Application Control
Browser Control
In this section:
About Browser Control
In the Browser Control node, you can:
- Configure URL redirection
- Add web installations
- Import snippets
- Add elevated websites
When a new configuration containing Browser Control items, such as URL Redirection, is deployed to endpoints, users need to close and re-open browsers before the configuration can take effect. Closing and re-opening the browsers enables the browser extensions. If an existing configuration with Browser Control is updated with additional Browser Control items, the updated configuration takes effect as soon as it is deployed. The browser extensions are already enabled, so it's not necessary to close and re-open browsers.
Application Control uses a Browser Helper Object (BHO) for Internet Explorer and a Chrome Extension to implement Browser Control features, which are loaded at browser startup.
URL Redirection
Use this feature to automatically redirect users when they attempt to access a specified URL. By defining a list of prohibited URLs, you redirect any user attempting to access a listed URL to a default warning page or a custom web page. You can also select to allow certain URLs which, when used in conjunction with redirects, gives you further flexibility and control and lets you create a whitelist of websites.
URL Redirection is configured in the Add URL to Redirect dialog accessed from the Browser Control ribbon and the URL Redirection functionality is enabled or disabled for the application in Advanced Settings, accessible via the Manage ribbon.
Before you configure this feature for Internet Explorer, you must enable third-party browser extensions using Internet Options for each of your endpoints. Alternatively, this can be applied via Group Policy.
URL Redirection is compatible with Internet Explorer 8, 9, 10, and 11. When using Chrome, all managed endpoints must be part of a domain.
In versions prior to Application Control 10.0, URL Redirection was a global setting accessed via the Manage ribbon. Configurations containing URL Redirections that were created in versions 8.8 and 8.9 of the product can be opened in the console and automatically upgraded in version 10.0. The URL Redirections are converted to Custom rules that contain the following:
- Matching conditions for connection types, IP addresses, and port numbers.
- Browser Control items for the sensitive URLs (listed on the URL Redirection tab).
If you don't upgrade the configuration, the version 10.0 agent still reads the configuration, but the URL Redirection and Custom rules are ignored. The rest of the configuration still applies.
Add URL Redirection to a Rule
- In the Application Control navigation pane, select the Browser Control node for the rule to which you want to add URL redirection.
In the Browser Control ribbon, select Add Item > Add URL.
The Add URL to Redirect dialog displays.
Enter a URL - you can use both IP address and text URLs.
Tip: If you use a text URL and the server also acts on IP addresses, add both the text URL and the IP address for that server.
- Select the action for the URL - Redirect or Allow.
- If you have selected Redirect, choose the required response
when a user attempts to access the prohibited URL:
- Display the default warning page when a URL is redirected - the user is directed to the default "Access is denied" page.
- Display a custom page when a URL is redirected -specify an alternative location instead of displaying the default warning page. For example, this could be a location within your organizations network, a file on a disk, your intranet or another website.
- Enter an optional description for your future reference.
- Click Add.
The redirect is added to the URL Redirection tab of the Browser Control work area. When the configuration is deployed and users attempt to access the specified webpage, the redirected page displays in the same browser instance. If an URL allow has been configured, the website opens as expected.
Control URL access within a domain
URL Redirection can also be used to control access within a single domain - access to a domain can be prohibited whilst access to certain of its sub-domains is permitted. For example, you could deny access to whilst allowing access to
Configure a whitelist with URL Redirection
You can use URL Redirection to implement a whitelist approach to controlling internet access for your organization. By creating a redirection that prohibits access to all internet sites, you can add items to allow access to the web sites you want to be available for your staff.
Create a URL redirect item for either http* or *. This prevents users accessing everything on the internet.
Create redirects to allow access to the required URLs.
When the configuration is deployed to your users, they will not be able to access any website other than those configured in URL Redirection items with allow actions.
Whitelisting and Inline Frames
If you are using a whitelist approach and allow access to a site that uses Inline Frames (iFrames), you must set up URL redirection items to allow the URLs for each inline frame. If the URL for an inline frame is redirected, the main website URL is also redirected, even though it has been configured to be allowed.
For example, you have redirected all websites using http* and you have created a URL allow so your users can access That website uses an inline frame to display, which has not been allowed. Users will not be able to open because access to is denied due to the http* redirection.
Find Inline Frame URLs with Rules Analyzer
You can use Application Control Rules Analyzer to find the URLs for inline frames. The URLs can then be allowed in URL Redirection so the parent websites are available to users.
You must be logged on with an account that allows read and write access to the registry of any managed endpoint for which you wish to generate logs for using Rules Analyzer, and have read and write access to the local registry of the computer on which the console operates.
- In the Application Control console, create a configuration with URL redirects to:
- Deploy the configuration to the endpoint on which you are creating the configuration.
- Select the Rules Analyzer navigation button.
- Click Add Endpoint and select Browse Deployment Group or Browse Domain/Workgroup.
- Select the endpoint you are going to use to for discovering inline frame URLs.
Click Start Logging.
Access the website for which you want to find the inline frames.
Access to the site is allowed but the URL of the inline frame is prohibited so the browser gets stuck in a loop, redirecting to itself. During this process, Rules Analyzer logs details of any redirecting inline frames.
- Close your browser and return to the Rules Analyzer.
Click Stop Logging and enter a report name.
Results of your analysis are displayed.
Click a link in the Browser Control column to display the logged URL requests.
Select a URL to display further details. From the details, you can confirm that the redirection occurred from the site you allowed.
Copy the domain and use it to create a new URL Redirection allow.
When the configuration is deployed, users can access the site because the inline frame is allowed.
Add a Web Installation
A number of Web Installations require the end user to have administrative rights. For example, an ActiveX control such as Adobe Flash Player or a web download such as Microsoft Silverlight.
The Web Installation feature of Browser Control allows the elevation to administrative privileges for ActiveX installers from a particular domain. You can create a basic configuration whereby you enter the name of the domain only, or you can create an advanced configuration and specify the CAB file for an item, its Class ID, and the minimum and maximum versions. You can also specify that only signed controls from the domain can be installed.
- Navigate to the Browser Control node under your selected rule.
In the Browser Control ribbon, select Add Item > Add Web Installation.
The Add New Web Installation dialog displays.
- Enter a descriptive Name for the web installation.
- To ensure your users only connect only legitimate web installations, select Only allow signed controls.
- Enter the Website URL for the installation. For example, enter to allow installations from all of
- Click Add.
The Websites tab in the Browser Control work area displays the name of the new web installation.
Add a Web Installation (Advanced Settings)
- Navigate to the Browser Control node under your selected rule.
In the Browser Control ribbon, select Add Item > Add Web Installation.
The Add New Web Installation dialog displays.
- Enter a descriptive Name for the web installation.
- If you want to allow only signed controls, select the relevant checkbox.
Select Use advanced settings.
The Advanced Settings section becomes active.
- Enter the Installer URL, for example
- Add extra validation, if required: Class ID, Minimum Version, and Maximum Version
- Click Add.
The Websites tab in the Browser Control work area displays the name of the new web installation.

A common scenario is a standard user attempting to download and install Adobe Flash Player. This requires administrative privileges. When an attempt is made, the User Account Control (UAC) dialog is displayed requesting the user to enter an administrative password. Many organizations do not want to give the users administrative privileges.
- Select the Browser Control node for the required rule.
In the Browser Control Ribbon, select Add Item > Add Web Installation.
The Add New Web Installation dialog displays.
- Enter a name for the Web Installation in the Name field, for example, Adobe Flash.
- Enter the URL in the Website URL field. For example,, to allow installations from all of
- Ensure the Only allow signed controls option is selected.
Click Add.
The Websites tab in the Browser Control work area displays the name of the new web installation.
- Ensure the default Builtin Elevate policy is selected in the Policy column of the Websites tab.
- Save the configuration. All downloads that are signed and are from the specified website are allowed.
Along with the above procedure other configurable items need to be considered. For example, for an ActiveX installation you would need to allow the ActiveX file to run, and any executables that the control calls. You need to consider Process rules, Trusted Vendors, any Digital Certificates, Allowed Items, Elevated items, and so on.
Snippets give Application Control the ability to import and merge partial configurations into a currently open configuration in the console.
This is particularly useful for web installations because, along with creating the web installation part of the configuration, a number of other configurable items need to be considered. These include Process Rules, Allowed Items, Trusted Vendors, any Digital Certificates, Elevated items, and so on.
Download Recent Snippets from Ivanti Community
- Select a rule.
In the Browser Control ribbon, select Import Snippet.
The Import Snippet dialog displays.
Click the Ivanti Community link in the dialog.
The most recent snippets are displayed.
Select a snippet and save it to C:\Program Files\AppSense\Application Manager\Console\Snippets. This is the default location.
The snippet is now available in the Import Snippet dialog.
- Select the snippet and click Add.
To view what is included in the snippet click the View the items that will be added to the configuration link.
A configuration report displays.
- Click Continue.
The snippet is imported and you can view the items in the various nodes in the console.
Elevated Websites
This feature is only supported in 32-bit versions of Internet Explorer ( 8, 9, 10 and 11) and Chrome.
The Elevated Website feature allows you to define a particular URL which opens in a separate secured, but elevated, instance of Internet Explorer. When elevated, the user is granted administrative privileges allowing them to install and execute components such as additional software or ActiveX controls specific to the site.
Before you configure this feature, you must enable third-party browser extensions using Internet Options for each of your endpoints, alternatively this can be applied via Group Policy.
It is recommended that this feature is only used for internal websites which require elevation to run content such as diagnostic tools or a moderated portal containing administrator approved software.
You should not elevate websites that may allow users to obtain software which may pose a security risk to your network; such as pop-ups, search bars or external links.
- Select the Browser Control node under your selected group.
- Select the Browser Control ribbon.
Click Add Item and select Add Elevated Website.
The Add New Elevated Website dialog displays.
- Enter a meaningful description for your reference.
Enter the web address in the Website URL field.
You can use regular expressions to define websites. To use this functionality, select Use regular expression and enter the website URL criteria. For example, https://.+\.com$ elevates and redirects any secure websites with the .com extension - such as, but does not elevate and redirect
For more information, see Wildcards and Regular Expressions
- Click Add.
- Save the AAMP file.
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