Application Control


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Import and Export Scripted Rules

The Scripted Rule import and export feature copies PowerShell and VBScripts from one Application Control console to another and enables you to import a script that has been written in another editor.

In this section:

Export a Scripted Rule

  1. Navigate to the Scripted Rule node and select the rule to be exported.
  2. In the Current Script section of the work area, select Click here to edit script.

    The Configure this Scripted Rule dialog displays

  3. Ensure the script displayed is correct.
  4. Click Export.
  5. Navigate to where you want the script to be exported and click Save.
  6. Click OK.

Import a Scripted Rule

When you import a script, any existing script displayed in the Configure this Scripted Rule dialog is overwritten.

  1. Navigate to the Scripted Rule node and select where the rule is to be imported.
  2. In the Current Script section of the work area, select Click here to edit script.

    The Configure this Scripted Rule dialog displays

  3. Click Import.
  4. Navigate to where you saved the script and click Open.
  5. Click OK.

This page refers to an older version of the product.
View the current version of the online Help.

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