User Workspace Manager


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User Workspace Manager Server Component Websites

Unless upgrading existing 8.x installations, the Server Configuration Portal, Personalization Server, and Management Server install into their separate IIS websites, named Configuration, Personalization, and Management respectively. Each website can be configured with two IIS bindings: one using port 80 with a host header, the other using a different port without a host header, see default port list below.

If you do not input a host header entry during the creation of an instance, just one binding is created, For example, for a single Management Server instance, a binding of 7751 is created.

Host headers allow multiple websites to share the same port and are reachable by configuring DNS records on a DNS server. If a host header is chosen that includes the fully qualified domain name of the domain the IIS Server is joined to, it’s only necessary to create  a CNAME record for the DNS server.

Access to any of the User Workspace Manager server components, before configuring DNS records, must be through the following ports:

  • Configuration: 7750
  • Management: 7751
  • Personalization: 7771

Alternative IIS Configuration

If the default website has been removed, disabled or is not being used, you can use any of the User Workspace Manager server components on port 80 without a host header. By removing the default website, or stopping it and giving it a dummy host header, it’s possible to remove the host header from one of the User Workspace Manager server components, effectively making this the new default website. You can do this only when the Management server and Personalization server are installed on different IIS servers.

This is a useful technique for upgrades because it does not change the client configuration of either the Deployment agent or the EM agent.

Any changes made to the IIS settings via the IIS Manager are reflected in the Server Configuration Portal.

You may want to change the website to configure the port, the bindings to IP addresses, the delegation of features, or SSL certificate for a given Management Server.

Related topics

This page refers to an older version of the product.
View the current version of the online Help.