User Workspace Manager


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Export Scripts

User Workspace Manager Servers uses an SQL Server database to store data. The installation procedure requires sysadmin access to the SQL Server instance in order to create and initialize the database. When the person installing the Server does not have sysadmin access, scripts can be exported to enable the database to be set up. It is assumed that the SQL Server instance is on a separate machine to the User Workspace Manager Server.

Export the Scripts to Send to the SQL Administrator

  1. Open an elevated PowerShell window.
  2. Run the commands to select an instance and export the scripts, for example:

    • Import-ApsInstanceModule -Product Management
    • Export-ApsDatabaseScript -all -path c:\scripts
  3. Send the exported scripts to the SQL Administrator.

Actions for SQL Administrator to Perform

Using SQL Server Management Studio the following steps must be carried out by the database administrator under sysadmin privilege.

  1. In SQL Server Management Studio, open the Create Database script, change the database name in the SET line.
  2. Save and Execute.
  3. Open the Create Schema script and ensure the newly created database is selected in the drop-down list before executing.
  4. Open and run the Create Login script as follows:

    • Uncomment the declarations at the top of the script.
    • To create a Configuration, or administration, account using a SQL account ("AmcAdmin" in this example) set the default values to:

      @userName = 'AmcAdmin'

      @password = 'Password123'

      @isSql2005 = 1

      @enabled = 1

      @forcePswdPolicy = 1

      @forcePswdExpire = 0

      @mustChange = 0;

    • To create a Service account using a Windows authenticated account ("DOMAIN\admin" in this example) set the default values to:

      @userName = 'DOMAIN\admin'

      @password = 'Password123'

      @isWindowsAuth = 1

      @issql2005 = 1

      @enabled = 1

      @forcePswdPolicy = 1

      @forcePswdExpire = 0

      @mustChange - 0;

    Run the script once for the Configurer account and once for the Service account. Set @isWindowsAuth to 1 for a Windows account, or 0 for SQL authentication.

  5. Give the Configuration account name db_owner and ManagementServerAdministrator rights on the database.
  6. Give the Service account ManagementServerService rights on the database.

Refer to the Server Configuration Portal Scripting Guide for further PowerShell guidance.

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