Server Status

Server Status Request

To test whether a Management/Personalization Server is installed and running and to test the database connection, enter the following URL in your Internet browser:




Replace <SERVER> with the name of the required server and the port number. For example for an instance on Management Server - ManServ1 the replacement would be ManServ1:7751

The status.aspx file for a server shows whether the server connection was successful and further details about the connection, database, and server

Server Load Balancing Health Monitors

If using a load balancer monitor to check the server status page (status.aspx) where the server is set to Windows Authentication, the monitor must provide Windows credentials in the HTTP headers or the server will respond with an “unauthorized” reply. As an alternative, use one of the following URLs - appropriate to your setup - to test check the server status.

To check the health of load balanced servers use the following methods, appropriate to your setup.

IIS7 - Windows Server 2008 and R2 or greater use the following URLs in an Internet browser, replacing <SERVER> with the name of the required server:

  • http://<SERVER>/ManagementServer/deployment/dbmonitor.aspx
  • http://<SERVER>/PersonalizationServer/dbmonitor.aspx

    Checks the connection with the database. Returns “OK” (http status 200) if the database can be contacted and “FAIL” (http status 503) if it cannot.

  • http://<SERVER>/ManagementServer/deployment/pingmonitor.aspx
  • http://<SERVER>/PersonalizationServer/pingmonitor.aspx

    Checks whether the server address is reachable returning “OK” (http status 200) if successful. No response indicates an error.

Refer to the IvantiBest Practice - Load Balancing document for more information.

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