Multi Instance Command Line Installer

The User Workspace Manager multi instance command line installer, InstallerCmd.exe, allows you to script installation of named instances.

The InstallerCmd.exe can be run from the Bin folder on the User Workspace Manager release media.

The instance installer can be used to do the following actions:

  • Install product server instances by name
  • Patch specific product server instances
  • Uninstall specific product server instances
  • Display a list of available and installed product server instances

The command line generated is specific to the machine it is run on. It must not be transported to another machine.

Install Options

/i <Product.msi> <Instance Name> [Optional Parameter]

Launches the Windows Installer to install an instance with the specified name. Additional parameters understood by the Windows Installer can be passed at the end of this command.

/is <Product.msi> <Instance Name> [Optional Parameter]

Displays (but does not run) the Windows Installer command required to install an instance with the specified name. Additional parameters understood by the Windows Installer can be passed at the end of this command.

Patch Options

/p <Patch.msp> <Instance Name> [Optional Parameter]

Launches the Windows Installer to patch an instance with the specified name. Additional parameters understood by the Windows Installer can be passed at the end of this command.

/ps <Patch.msp> <Instance Name> [Optional Parameter]

Displays (but does not run) the Windows Installer command required to patch an instance with the specified name. Additional parameters understood by the Windows Installer can be passed at the end of this command.

Uninstall Options

/x <Product.msi> <Instance Name> [Optional Parameter]

Launches the Windows Installer to uninstall an instance with the specified name. Additional parameters understood by the Windows Installer can be passed at the end of this command.

/xs <Product.msi> <Instance Name> [Optional Parameter]

Displays (but does not run) the Windows Installer command required to uninstall an instance with the specified name. Additional parameters understood by the Windows Installer can be passed at the end of this command.

Display Options

/e <Product.msi>

Lists available and installed instances associated with the specified product. The instance name is displayed for installed instances.

Details of Optional Parameters can be found in the help for Windows Installer.


InstallerCmd.exe Examples

The following are examples of how to use InstallerCmd.exe.

Install Example

InstallerCmd.exe /i <path>\ManagementServer64.msi TestInstance /q

Installs an instance, named TestInstance, of the Management Server and passes the /q parameter to the Windows Installer resulting in no user interface being displayed during installation.

Uninstall Example

InstallerCmd.exe /x <path>\PersonalizationServer64.msi TestInstance /l* uninstall.log

Uninstalls the Personalization Server instance named TestInstance and saves the log to uninstall.log