Environment Manager


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Environment Conditions

In this section:

About Environment Conditions

Environment conditions allow actions to be carried out when specified Environment and Session variables exist, do not exist or match a defined value on an endpoint.

Session variables provide an alternative to Environment variables, enabling data to be passed through a configuration more efficiently as they take less time to set and are internal to Environment Manager. Session variables set in computer triggers are run in the System Session and are only available for computer triggers. Likewise, those set in user triggers are run in the User Session and are only available for user triggers.

A further Environment condition can also be set to run actions on an endpoint on specified days, times and dates.

Condition Description
Environment Variable A condition based on matching environment variables. The condition could be to check for the existence of the environment variable on endpoints or to match the value of the variable.
Session Variable A condition based on matching session variables. Input the session variable name and create a condition which matches or does not match the specified value.
Time and Date A condition which defines a time frame used to set when actions will apply on endpoints. Individual days can be selected and date and time ranges can be specified.

Create an Environment Variable Condition

  1. In the Policy Configuration navigation tree, create a new node or select an existing node to which you want to add the condition.
  2. In the Conditions ribbon, select Environment > Environment Variable to display the Environment Variable dialog displays.
  3. Enter the Environment Variable Name.
  4. Select a Condition from the drop-down to govern whether or not associated actions will run:
    • Exists - The entered environment variable is found on managed endpoints
    • Does Not Exist - The environment variable is not found on managed endpoints
    • Equal To - The environment variable exists on the endpoint and matches the Value field
    • Not Equal To - The environment variable exists on the endpoint but does not match the Value field
    • Contains - The environment variable exists on the endpoint and includes the string in the Value field
  5. For Equal To, Not Equal To and Contains conditions, enter the Value which will be used for the match.
  6. Click OK to save.

Create a Session Variable Condition

  1. In the Policy Configuration navigation tree, create a new node or select an existing node to which you want to add the condition.
  2. In the Conditions ribbon, select Environment > Session Variable.

    The Session Variable dialog displays.

  3. Enter the Session variable Name.
  4. Select a Condition from the drop-down box which will govern whether or not associated actions will run:
    • Equal To - The session variable exists on the endpoint and matches the Value field
    • Not Equal To - The session variable exists on the endpoint but does not match the Value field
  5. Enter the Value which will be used validate the condition conditions.
  6. Click OK to save.

Create a Date and Time Condition

  1. In the Policy Configuration navigation tree, create a new node or select an existing node to which you want to add the condition.
  2. In the Conditions ribbon, select Environment > Date and Time to display the Date and Time condition dialog displays.
  3. Use a combination of the checkboxes and drop-downs to define the days, dates and times on which any dependent actions will run.
  4. Click OK to save the condition.

Related Topics

This page refers to an older version of the product.
View the current version of the online Help.