Environment Manager


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Path Based Configuration of Application Groups

When configuring an application group, a file path to a folder can be specified so that any application run from that location is managed. This means that applications do not need to be individually added to a group if those applications are in the managed folder.

For example, rather than adding each individual Microsoft Office application to a group, you can define the path to the Microsoft Office folder. When Word, Excel and Outlook are opened from this location, they are managed by the Microsoft Office application group.

Configure an Application Group Using Managed Folders

  1. In the User Personalization navigation tree, select Personalization Settings > Application Personalization > Application Groups.
  2. Select an application group.
  3. From the Personalization ribbon, click Add Managed Folder.

    The Add Managed Folder dialog displays.

  4. Enter a valid path or browse to the required folder.

    Paths must adhere to the following rules:

    • Local and mapped drives are supported
    • UNC paths are not supported
    • For the applications to be personalized, the path must exist on the managed endpoint
    • CSIDL paths are supported and are expanded to suit the target operating system
    • All paths act as wildcards; an asterisk (*) is not required
    • Standard application group rules apply regarding synchronization with the Personalization Server.
  5. Enter an Operating System. Alternatively, to include all operating systems, use the default regular expression (.*)
  6. Select the Manage all subfolders checkbox as required.

    If unchecked, only applications in the top level folder will be managed.

  7. Click OK to add the folder to the Managed Folders for the personalization group.

Related Topics

This page refers to an older version of the product.
View the current version of the online Help.