Environment Manager


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Wildcards and Regular Expressions

This section contains examples of wildcards and regular expressions and how they can be used in Environment Manager.

Environment Manager uses CAtIRegExp Class regular expressions.

Expression Matches
^[a-f]+ "alice" matches because her name starts with a letter between a and f

"john" does not match because his name starts with a letter greater than f

"Alice" does not match because her name does not start with a lowercase letter

^[a-fA-F]+ "Alice" matches because with this expression uppercase letters are allowed
[a-zA-Z]+\d\d\d$ "UserWithThreeNumbers123" matches because the user name is made up of alpha numerics followed by 3 numbers

"UserWithFourNumbers1234" does not match because the user name has four numbers in it

The domain name can also be specified in regular expressions. For example, appsense\\^[a-f]+ matches all user names which have a first letter a to h. Without a domain name in the regular expression, the query matches any user names which have a first letter from a to h in any domain.

Expression Matches
(notepad)|(winword)|(calc).exe notepad.exe matches because it is in the list

wordpad.exe does not match because it is not in the list

^!(notepad.exe) notepad.exe does not match because notepad is specifically excluded

wordpad.exe matches because it is not notepad

^!((notepad.exe)|(calc.exe)|(winword.exe)) wordpad.exe matches because it is not in the list

calc.exe does not match because it is in the list

Related Topics

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View the current version of the online Help.