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Performance Monitor Counters

Environment Manager Personalization Server provides performance counters that can be analyzed within Performance Monitor (PerfMon.exe).

The available counters are contained within the Environment Manager Personalization group.

In this section:

Configuration Request Counters

An HTTP configuration request is made by a client following a session request. A user configuration is returned to the client. The configuration contains such things as Personalization Groups with managed applications and global properties.

The following counters are available for the configuration request:

Counter Description
Configuration invalid requests The total number of invalid HTTP configuration requests processed.
Configuration max time The maximum time (ms) taken to process an HTTP configuration request.
Configuration min time The minimum time (ms) taken to process an HTTP configuration request.
Configuration process request time The time (ms) taken to process the latest HTTP configuration request.
Configuration total average time The average time (ms) taken to process an HTTP configuration request.
Configuration total time The total time (ms) taken to process all HTTP configuration requests.
Configurations per second The number of HTTP configuration requests processed per second.
Configurations total failed The total number of failed HTTP configuration requests processed.
Configuration total succeeded The total number of successful HTTP configuration requests processed.

Session Request Counters

An HTTP session request is made by a client following user logon. The server determines the user site membership and returns a list of server URLs to use for subsequent configuration and synchronization requests.

The following counters are available for the session request:

Counter Description
Session invalid requests The total number of invalid HTTP session requests processed.
Session max time The maximum time (ms) taken to process an HTTP session request.
Session min time The minimum time (ms) taken to process an HTTP session request.
Session process request time The time (ms) taken to process the latest HTTP session request.
Session total average time The average time (ms) taken to process an HTTP session request.
Session total time The total time (ms) taken to process all HTTP session requests.
Session per second The number of HTTP session requests processed per second.
Session total failed The total number of failed HTTP session requests processed.
Session total succeeded The total number of successful HTTP session requests processed.

Synchronization Request Counters

An HTTP synchronization request is made by a client following an application start or stop and is used to synchronize personalization data to or from the server.  Windows settings and other personalization data may also be synchronized using this request at logon/logoff.

The following counters are available for the synchronization request:

Counter Description
Synchronization invalid requests The total number of invalid HTTP synchronization requests processed.
Synchronization max time The maximum time (ms) taken to process an HTTP synchronization request.
Synchronization min time The minimum time (ms) taken to process an HTTP synchronization request.
Synchronization process request time The time (ms) taken to process the latest HTTP synchronization request.
Synchronization total average time The average time (ms) taken to process an HTTP synchronization request.
Synchronization total time The total time (ms) taken to process all HTTP synchronization requests.
Synchronization per second The number of HTTP synchronization requests processed per second.
Synchronization total failed The total number of failed HTTP synchronization requests processed.
Synchronization total succeeded The total number of successful HTTP synchronization requests processed.

TraceData Request Counters

A TraceData (HTTP passive) request is made by a client to send data to the server for Application Data Collection.

The following counters are available for the TraceData request:

Counter Description
TraceData invalid requests The total number of invalid HTTP passive requests processed.
TraceData max time The maximum time (ms) taken to process an HTTP passive request.
TraceData min time The minimum time (ms) taken to process an HTTP passive request.
TraceData process request time The time (ms) taken to process the latest HTTP passive request.
TraceData total average time The average time (ms) taken to process an HTTP passive request.
TraceData total time The total time (ms) taken to process all HTTP passive requests.
TraceData per second The number of HTTP passive requests processed per second.
TraceData total failed The total number of failed HTTP passive requests processed.
TraceData total succeeded The total number of successful HTTP passive requests processed.

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