Environment Manager


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Policy Templates

Policy Templates enable partial configurations, saved as XML files, to be exported and imported to other configurations. Rather than export an entire configuration, Policy Templates enable them to be broken down by trigger or individual node and used as required. Exporting at trigger level saves all the nodes in that trigger and when imported, each of those nodes is added to the selected trigger.

Any node or the contents of any trigger can be exported and imported. A reusable node imported into a trigger is also created in the Reusable Nodes Library. Similarly, any reusable condition imported as part of a node, is created in the Reusable Conditions Library. Templates created at trigger level can be imported to a node and to reusable nodes.

Some conditions and actions are not compatible with all triggers but can still be imported into those triggers. In these cases, although added to the trigger, the condition or action will not function. On import, a message box displays showing the path of the incompatible action or condition.

Export a Policy Template

  1. In the Policy Configuration navigation tree, select the node or trigger from which you want to create a template.
  2. In the Tools & Wizards ribbon, select AppSense Policy Template > Export Template.

    A browser dialog displays.

  3. Navigate to a location to save the template.
  4. Click Save.

The template is saved in the selected location and can be imported into the Environment Manager console.

Import a Policy Template

  1. In the Policy Configuration navigation tree, select a node or trigger to which you want to add the partial configuration.
  2. In the Tools & Wizards ribbon, select AppSense Policy Template > Import Template.

    A browser dialog displays.

  3. Navigate to, and select the XML template file.
  4. Click Open.

The nodes in the template are added to the selected trigger or node. Any reusable nodes and/or reusable conditions created as part of the import are added to the appropriate reusable Library.

Related Topics

This page refers to an older version of the product.
View the current version of the User Help.