Application Group Templates

Application Group templates contain configuration details about the Application Groups and applications within the group.

In this section:

Export an Application Group

  1. In the User Personalization navigation tree, select Personalization Settings > Application Personalization > Application Groups.
  2. Right-click an application group and select Export Application Group Template.

    The Save As dialog displays.

  3. Select a location to save the template and click OK.

An XML file containing the configuration details about the Application Group and applications within the group is created in the specified location.

Export multiple Application Groups

  1. In the User Personalization navigation tree, select Personalization Settings > Application Personalization.
  2. Right-click Application Groups and select Export Application Group Template from the context menu.

    The Export Application Groups dialog displays.

    You can view individual applications and application groups by selecting the appropriate item in the left-hand column of the dialog.

  3. Select the Applications and Application Groups to export - you can select a combination of applications and groups.
  4. Click OK.

    The Save As dialog displays.

  5. Select a location to save the template and click OK.

An XML file containing the configuration details about the selected Application Groups and applications within the groups is created in the specified location.

Import Application Groups

  1. In the User Personalization navigation tree, select Personalization Settings > Application Personalization.
  2. Right-click Application Groups and select Import Application Group Template.

    The Import Application Groups dialog displays.

  3. Select one of the following radio buttons:

    • Import from templates - Application group templates are available for commonly personalized applications, such as Microsoft Edge and Adobe Acrobat Reader. These templates contain recommended inclusions and exclusions for personalization.
    • Import from exported configuration - Application groups can be imported from an exported personalization configuration or Application Group Template. When selected, a file browser displays for a personalization configuration or application group template to be selected.

    You can also download the latest templates from the Ivanti Community by selecting the link at the bottom of the dialog.

  4. Select the Applications Groups to import. To select all Application Groups, select Application Groups at the top of the list.
  5. Click OK.

The selected Application Groups are imported into the configuration.

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Default Application Group Templates

The following application group templates are supplied with Environment Manager. They contain the settings required to personalize a range of popular applications so that you do not have to configure them individually.

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