Quick Access Toolbar

The Quick Access Toolbar provides quick functionality for managing the configuration setup, such as Save, Save and Unlock, Undo, Redo, and navigation to previously and next displayed views.

Button Description
New icon New

Opens a new, empty default configuration which is locked for editing. If you already have a configuration open, you will be prompted to save it before you open a new one.

Open Configuration from Management Center button Open Configuration from the Management Center

Opens an existing configuration from the Management Center.

Save button Save

Saves changes to the configuration. The configuration will remain locked if opened from the Management Center.

Save and Unlock button Save and Unlock

Saves the configuration to the Management Center and unlocks it to allow deployment. The current configuration closes and a new default configuration opens.

Save As button Save As

Saves the configuration with a new name to one of the following locations:

  • Live configuration on this computer - Save the current configuration on the current computer and apply it as the working configuration.
  • Configuration in the Management Center - Creates the current configuration in the package store on the selected Management Center.
  • Configuration in System Center Configuration Manager - Saves your configuration to the specified System Center Configuration Manager server.
  • Configuration file on disk - Saves the current configuration as a file on a local or network drive in AEMP format.
Back button Forward button Back and Forward

Cycle through the views you have visited in a session. For example, if you select the Computer trigger and then the User trigger, the Back button takes you to the Computer trigger and a subsequent click of the forward button, takes you to the User trigger. These are navigation tools only and do not affect the action you have performed in the console.

Undo button Undo

Clears the action history. Up to 20 previous actions are listed. Select the point at which you want to clear the actions. The action selected and all preceding actions are undone.

Redo button Redo

Re-applies the cleared action history. Up to 20 cleared actions are listed. Select the point at which you want to redo the actions. The action selected and all preceding actions are redone.

Expand All button Expand All

Expand all nodes, actions and conditions in a selected area of the console. Context sensitive to the selected item and works in the navigation tree or the work area. For example, if used when the Computer trigger is highlighted, all triggers and nodes within the Computer trigger are fully expanded. To expand all triggers and nodes in a configuration, select the Environment Manager item at the top of the pane and select Expand All. In the work area, if a condition is highlighted, all sub conditions and actions are fully expanded.

Collapse All button Collapse All

Collapses all nodes, actions and conditions - works as Expand All but in reverse.

Managing the Quick Access Toolbar

The Quick Access Toolbar can be configured to add and remove functions and change its position within the console:

  • Right-click on a ribbon button or file menu option and select Add to Quick Access Toolbar to add it to the Quick Access Toolbar.
  • Right-click on a toolbar item and select Remove From Quick Access Toolbar to remove it.
  • Right click on a ribbon or the toolbar and select Show Quick Access Toolbar Below the Ribbon to display the toolbar below the ribbon.

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