Registry Conditions

Registry conditions check whether or not registry keys and values exist on managed endpoints before applying any associated actions.

Both keys and values can contain environment variables.



Computer Trigger

User Trigger

Registry Key Exists

A condition which checks for the existence of specified registry keys on managed endpoints and applies associated actions accordingly. The registry can be browsed to find keys and sub keys can be identified if required. The Comparison drop-down allows the condition to check whether any specified key and sub key exists or does not exist.



Registry Value Exists

A condition which checks for registry values on managed endpoints and applies associated actions accordingly. Define the main and sub keys to be searched for the entered value. The value can be set using parameters to define the value name, type and actual value.



Create a Registry Value Exists Condition

The Registry Key Exists condition is created in a similar dialog to the Registry Value Exists condition but with fewer fields; Main Key, Sub Key and Comparison.

  1. In the Policy Configuration navigation tree, select the node or trigger to which you want to add the condition. This can be:
    • A new node
    • An existing node
    • The Environment tab of a trigger
  2. In the Conditions ribbon, select Registry > Registry Value Exists to display the Registry Value Exists dialog.
  3. Complete the following fields:
    • Hive - Browse to the required registry value. A standard registry browser is used to select the value.
    • The Key, Value name, Value type and Value are automatically populated from the selected registry item but can be manually edited.
    • Comparison - Select the required option from the drop-down list:




      Checks if a registry value name exists regardless of type and value. The sub key can be set or left blank so that the user can check for a value name set under the main key only.

      Does Not Exist

      Checks if a registry value does not exist. Uses the same behavior as the Exists comparison.

      Value Type Exists

      Checks the existence of a value name of a specific type e.g. REG_SZ, REG_DWORD etc. The Value type is available for selection and the main and sub key behavior is the same as Exists.

      Equal To

      Checks if the registry value is equal to a specific value. The sub key can be set or left blank so that the user can check for a value name set under the main key only. The value type can be set, different value editors are displayed dependent on the selection.

      The Value field can be left blank as empty values are allowed in the registry.

      Not Equal To

      Checks if the registry value is not equal to that which is specified. Uses the same behavior as the Equal to comparison.

      Less Than

      Less Than or Equal To

      Greater Than

      Greater Than or Equal To

      Checks the registry value against the selected comparison. These are only available on the REG_DWORD & REG_QWORD value types. Uses the same behavior as the Equal to comparison.

  4. Select the required numerical system for the registry value - this can be either Hexadecimal or Decimal.
  5. Click OK to save the condition.

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