File Director


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Install root certificates on Mac

Both the web browser and the File Director Client use the operating system certificate store. So, if you install the certificate in the operating system using Safari then the File Director client automatically trusts the certificate.

The following instructions describe installing the root certificate. They were originally tested with macOS X 10.7.3 using Safari 5.1.3.

  1. Launch Safari and browse to the File Director Website or File Director admin console as follows:
    • Website: https://<server_address>
    • Admin console: https://<server_address>:8443
    • Safari displays a message, “Safari can’t verify the identity of the website”.
  2. Click Show Certificates.
  3. Select, when using this certificate, Always Trust.

    The Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and X.509 Basic Policy trusts update to Always Trust.

  4. Click Continue.
  5. Provide your password and click Update Settings.

Safari adds the root certificate to the certificate store and the browser starts trusting the server.

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This page refers to an older version of the product.
View the current version of the online Help.