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Install root certificates on iOS

Trusted root certificates

It is recommended that secure connections are protected by an SSL certificate signed by a public certificate authority (CA). However, during testing or evaluation phases, you may choose to use a certificate chain signed by a private or internal CA. In this case, you will need to install the trusted root SSL certificate on each of your client devices.

You can avoid having to install the trusted root certificate onto each client by using certificates signed by a public CA.
Free, time-limited certificates are available from some public CAs and are recommended to cover testing or evaluation periods.
If you experience difficulties with a certificate issued by a public CA, then review the appliance certificate configuration.

Network provisioning tools are available for installing trusted SSL certificates onto clients. However, the instructions below focus on individual client devices.

This procedure is based on using the provisioning tool, iPhone Configuration Utility 3.5, on Windows 7 to create or edit a configuration profile containing the certificate and to provision it to an iPad or iPhone. Alternatively, you can email the certificate file to the device and install it. Configuration profiles are XML files that contain device security settings including certificates.

To install the certificate on an iOS device, first install the certificate in the computer operating system - either Windows or Mac.

  1. In iPhone Configuration Utility, select Configuration Profiles.
  2. Select an existing profile or click New in the toolbar to create one.
  3. At the top of the list, click General and complete the form.
  4. Further down the list, click Credentials.
  5. If Credentials are not configured, click Configure, otherwise, click the plus symbol to add a certificate.

    A dialog displays the certificates installed on the computer operating system.

  6. Select the required certificate.
  7. Plug your iOS device into the computer.
  8. In the Devices list, click the device name.
  9. Click the Configuration Profiles tab.
  10. Select the profile you edited, and click Install.

    The iPhone Configuration Utility installs the configuration and certificates on the device.

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