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Mac File Director preferences

Adjust File Director settings in the Preferences dialog. View the File Director version that you are currently using and details of your device, server, and logon name. You can also set the recovery folder, and uninstall the product, if allowed.

In this section


  1. Click the File Director icon in the doc or toolbar to open the menu.
  2. Select Preferences.

    The Preferences dialog displays on the About tab which displays the File Director version and the ID of your Mac device.


In the Settings tab, select whether:

  • File Director opens automatically at logon.
  • The File Director icon displays in the dock.
  • The context menu is available in finder.
  • File Director files in Finder display with icon overlays.

If a map point is deleted on the File Director server before you can upload to it, the affected files are sent to a recovery folder (the Salvage folder). Click Change recovery folder to specify a new location for the folder.


The Account tab displays the File Director server name and your user logon. These credentials can be verified. This tab can be prepopulated by an administrator and you may not be able to alter the information. Contact your IT Support department if you need help.


Use this tab to uninstall File Director.

Before you remove the product, specify what happens to the user data (locally cached files):

  • Force a delete of local files
  • Send the files to the recovery folder.

This applies to the data in File Director volumes only - not mapped map points.

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