File Director keeps all files in sync, regardless of age, type, or size. You may want to tailor what gets synced, saving network bandwidth and storage.
You can define exclusions for File Director Mac to exclude files and file types from being uploaded.
The exclusions use the same "language" as the exclusions for the File Director Windows client:
<Rule name> = <expression>
<expresssion> = [ext=<extension>]
[filePath=<regex String>]
[size>=<number in bytes>|<number + unit (B,kB,MB,GB,TB)>]
[<Rule name> AND <Rule name>]
[<Rule name> OR <Rule name>]
Rule syntax has been relaxed slightly:
Whitespace around the operators are now ignored.
Extensions can be specified with or without leading dot.
Sizes can be specified using units.
See Examples for clarity.

Rule Syntax
filePath = (^|\\/)\\.DS_Store$
Is equivalent to
as well as the old format
filePath= (^|\\/)\\.DS_Store$
Is equivalent to
ext = iso
ext= .iso
Is equivalent to
size>= 100000000
and also equivalent to
Exclude ISO files
defaults write com.ivanti.filedirector exclusionRule -dict-add "extensionISO" "ext= .iso"
For more information on Windows exclusions, see Exclusions, electives and overrides in the File Director Windows Client help.
Default exclusions
Certain files and folders are excluded by default to save resources, for example:
Exclusion | Description |
.DS-Store | Desktop Services Store files |
.download | Safari temp download files |
.crdownload | Chrome temp download files |
.Spotlight-V100 | Index data files for Spotlight searches |
.fseventstd | File System Events notifications |
.DocumentRevisions-V100 | Excel temp files |
Icon | Folder icons |
.part* | Partial downloads |
.localized | Localized file/folder names |
.VolumeIcon.icns | Volume icon |
.TemporaryItems | Folder for temp items |
.Trashes | Folder that stores deleted data |
.Trash | Trash folder |
~$* | Paths that start with "~$", for example Office temp files |