MSI file

You can configure an MSI file to roll out File Director quickly to multiple users with preconfigured settings applied.

By creating a batch file, you can add a series of commands to set attributes for your File Director deployment, making installation quick and easy for your users. When you roll File Director out to your users, they can run the batch file after installation to apply the default settings you want them to use.

The format for the command line is:

MSIEXEC/I FileDirector{32/64}.msi {options}

Specify the version of windows and replace {options} with one or more of the following attribute settings, multiple commands should be separated with a space:

Command Details
DATANOW_USERNAME="{username}" Replace {username} with a username or use environment variables to apply to a range of users.
DATANOW_SERVER="{servername}" Replace {servername} with the server you want users to connect to as a string in quotes.
DATANOW_PORT="{port}" Replace {port} with the decimal number of the port on which clients connect to the appliance.
DATANOW_BASE_FOLDER="{local folder}" Replace {local folder} with the path of the local File Director folder.
DATANOW_AUTOLOGIN="{1/0}" Specify whether to automatically log users in to the File Director server when they start Windows.

Once created, you can save the batch file with the File Director MSI and email the location to the users to whom you want to roll File Director. They can then install File Director with the MSI and configure the default settings with the batch file.


The batch file below, opened in Notepad, is for a 64-bit Windows installation and applies the following settings on users' machines:

  • Base folder is C:\Users\%USERPROFILE%\File Director
  • Server to
  • Port as 443
  • Users will automatically log on to the File Director server when they start Windows

To hide the commands when the running the file, start the batch file with @echo off.

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