File Director telemetry
Ivanti learns most about our products from the real-world experience of our valued customer base. We greatly value the feedback provided to us. However, to make the best-informed decisions on future developments of our products we need a wide view of deployment and adoption data.
Telemetry data can help us measure the quality, scalability, reliability and capabilities of our products. Using such data could enable us to deliver the solutions our customers demand faster, and alert us to areas which customers would find less useful.
Ivanti want to ensure a high level of transparency on this topic. The telemetry data that we gather is listed below. It is the same set of data that our customer support teams use to resolve user issues. The gathering of this data is in-line with our existing EULA agreement. Nevertheless, any customers not wishing to participate can withhold this data from being sent.
Data gathered
Data is gathered from each appliance and sent to a secure Application Insights instance.
General data collected:
•Appliance Hostname
•Cluster ID (this is a hash of the cluster name and port)
• Customer name
•License key
•License key count
•Server version number (Marketing No.)
•Support mode status.
Specific information is gathered from the client and from the server.
Client telemetry
• OS build number and version number.
The current telemetry also includes feature usage - as defined by the use of engineering keys.
The data retrieved states whether the feature (engineering key) is enabled on the client.

•Admin Pause enabled
•Bandwidth Control in use
•Base Folder overidden
•Cache Cleanup Mid-Session in use
•Cache Cleanup Logoff in use
•Cache Expiry changed
•Conflict File Format in use
•Cleanup Cache if Sync Wait Times Out in use
•Delay Logoff Until In-Sync in use
•Delta Threshold defaults changed
•Disable Search Indexing
•Disable Loopback Installation
•Driver Threads Changed
•Electives in use
•Electives Overrides in use
•Exclusions in use
•Exclusion Overrides in use
•Force Manual Mode enabled
•Http Timeouts in use
•ILS in use
•ILS Outside of Profile in use
•Kerberos SSO enabled
•Low Priority File Types default changed
•Map Drives in use
•Manual Conflict Resolution in use
•NTLM SSO enabled
•Optimize Leaf Folders in use
•Overlay Mask in use
•Process Blocklist defaults changed
•PST Delta Failsafe enabled
•PST Unlinking enabled
•Redirection Overrides in use
•Scan Outside Profile enabled
•Scan Outside Profile Exclusions defaults changed
•Scan Outside Profile Overrides defaults changed
•Screen Messages in use
•Server Locking enabled
•Shadow Sync File Types in use
•Shadow Sync Options defaults changed
•Status Updates in use
•Sync Status Debounce in use
•Sync Threadpool adjusted
•User Language (Localization)
Server telemetry
The current server telemetry data also includes feature usage - as defined by your configuration settings.

Account Lockout
Connector Types
IP Restriction
Map Point Policy
Quality of Service
Remote Wipe
Secure LDAP
Syslog Audit
Threadpool Sizes
Win32 Attributes
Verified Devices
Firewall changes
To allow this data to reach Ivanti there is a requirement to open some outgoing ports within your server’s firewall.
Please refer to the Outgoing Ports > Telemetry section of this Microsoft article.