Roll out File Director

After configuring File Director, all end users specified in the Microsoft Active Directory below the Base DN have access to the website and can synchronize their home folders using the File Director client. Users now need to know how File Director helps them, where to download the client, the address of the File Director appliance and how to use File Director on their devices.

  1. Store the client downloads in an accessible location ready for download by users. Consider selecting a location that is accessible from inside and outside the enterprise firewall.
  2. If you use Ivanti Application Control software consider elevating user rights for the File Director installer.
  3. Communicate the following suggested details to end-users:
    • How and where to download the Windows and Mac clients.
    • How to install the Android clients from the Google Play app store (search for Ivanti).
    • How to install the iOS client for iPhone and iPad from the iTunes app store (search for Ivanti).
    • The server address, username and password to use in the client (their usual username and password from MS Active Directory).
    • How to visit the appliance website using a secure https connection.

      The server address for the client and the website address are the same.

    • Links to the File Director Help Center.
    • Your support arrangements in case they encounter difficulties.
    • Links to the enterprise acceptable usage policy.
    • If you are not using a Public CA, the details of the private (or enterprise) SSL certificate and instructions.

Install trusted certificates on client devices

To use a private certification authority (CA), you need to install the trusted root SSL certificate on each client device. The instructions in this chapter provide information designed to help you install root certificates on Windows, Mac, iOS and Android clients. Network provisioning tools are also available for installing trusted SSL certificates on clients. However, the instructions here focus on individual clients.

You only need to add a root certificate to client devices if using a private CA. If you experience difficulties with a certificate issued by a public CA, then review the appliance certificate configuration.

You can avoid having to install the trusted root certificate onto each client by using certificates signed by a public CA.
Free, time-limited certificates are available from some public CAs and are recommended to cover testing or evaluation periods.
If you experience difficulties with a certificate issued by a public CA, then review the appliance certificate configuration.

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