Insight powered by AppSense

Group Policy ADMX Files

Download the ADMX ZIP file from

The ZIP file contains:

  • Ivanti_Insight_Including_Custom_Settings.admx
  • Ivanti_Insight_Including_Custom_Settings.adml

The Insight Group Policy ADMX file can be used with both Local and the Domain-based Group Policy. Save the ADMX file and merge the language folder in %systemroot%\PolicyDefinitions to make the policies editable through Administrative Templates in either the Group Policy Object Editor or the Group Policy Management Console.

When you use the ADMX template to configure settings via a GPO, the registry values are written into the Policies section in HKLM.

Registry settings are evaluated in the following order, with highest priority applied:

  • HKLM Policy (HKLM\Software\Policies\AppSense\Insight)
  • HKLM (HKLM\Software\AppSense\Insight)


Setting Description
Ivanti Insight Server FQDN Determines which Ivanti Insight Server the Ivanti Insight Agent uploads data. The name must be the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) for the target server. For example, NAME.COMPANY.COM. Insight automatically prepends the server with HTTPS:// so the protocol is not required. If a protocol is added, communication with the server will fail. The default port (443) can be overridden by appending the FQDN, for example, NAME.COMPANY.COM:10443.
Ivanti Insight Server API Key Configures the API key that is passed to the server when uploading Ivanti Insight data from the agent. Get the key from the server by navigating to Settings > API Keys in the Insight Web Console.

Custom Settings

Setting Description
Ivanti Insight Agent Upload Frequency Determines how often Insight Data is sent to the Ivanti Insight Server and how often checks are made for configuration changes to the event collection criteria specified in the Settings > Data Management area of the Ivanti Insight Web Console. If you enable this policy setting, you can select the number of milliseconds that should elapse between subsequent uploads of Ivanti Insight data to the server. If you do not configure this policy setting, Ivanti Insight data is sent to the server once every 2 minutes.
Ivanti Insight Server SSL Certificate Flags Suppress errors with the SSL Certificate for the target Ivanti Insight Server. This is useful for Test Labs where distribution of the SSL certificate is problematic, or for diagnosing issues with the SSL Certificate.

For use in test labs only.

Ivanti Insight Agent Local Mode Enables Local Mode for the Ivanti Insight Agent. If enabled, all Ivanti Insight Agent data collected is written to the Analytics.log file in the %PROGRAMDATA%\AppSense\Insight folder instead of sending it to the Ivanti Insight Server.
Ivanti Insight Agent Logging Enables debug logging for the Ivanti Insight Agent. If enabled, the log file InsightDebug.log is created in the %PROGRAMDATA%\AppSense\Insight folder.
Ivanti Insight Agent Event Log Filter Determines which Ivanti Insight event log events are raised by the Ivanti Insight Agent. Use a comma-separated list of the Events you wish Ivanti Insight to raise in the Event Log. Available Event IDs are:
  • 9800 - Server Connection Status
  • 9801 - Server Connection Failure including HTTP error code
  • 9802 - Events uploaded including the count of uploaded events
Event ID 9800 & 9801 are raised by default prior to configuring this setting. Events are raised with Event Source of IvantiInsight.

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