Management Center


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Membership Rules

Membership rules determine which group a computer is assigned to. You can configure the rules by adding and excluding conditions based on computer by NetBIOS name, or path references to Active Directory computers, computer groups or containers. Membership Rules have a one to one relationship with Deployment Groups. A membership Rule is automatically created on creation of every Deployment Group.

The (Default) Deployment Group has a non-editable set of membership rules to Include All. You cannot add, or remove a condition or change the priority for this group.

Multiple Membership Conditions for the same Rule always evaluate using OR Boolean logic.

Membership Rules are processed in the order the Deployment Groups are listed in the Membership Rules work area. Therefore, if a computer matches multiple membership conditions in different Deployment Groups, it is added to the first Deployment Group in the list where a membership condition matches. To change the order of the Deployment Groups use the Move Up and Move Down options in the Actions pane.

  1. Select the Home navigation button.
  2. Select the Membership Rules node.

    The Edit Group Conditions dialog displays.

  3. Click Add and do one of the following:

    • Select Computer by NetBIOS Name and specify the NetBIOS name for the computer or browse to the computer.
    • Use Active Directory and select Computer, Group or Container and specify or browse to the Active Directory component.
  4. Repeat to add additional conditions, if required and click OK.
  5. If you want to automatically discover computers that match the membership rules select Automatically discover computers every... You can set the discovery as frequent as every hour, intervals in between, or as infrequent as 1 week.

    Click Discover to perform an immediate discovery of computers.

  6. Click Submit to submit the changes to the rule.
  7. If required, expand the deployment group you have discovered computers for and select the Computers node.

    Details display about the discovered computers in the Computers work area.

    Asterisk (*) and question mark (?) wildcard characters are supported in groups. The asterisk represents one or more characters, and the question mark wildcard represents a single character.


  • Edit Conditions - Displays the Edit Group Conditions dialog box allowing you to include and exclude conditions for computers, groups and containers.
  • Move Up - Moves the selected membership rule up.
  • Move Down - Moves the selected membership rule down.
  • Discover - Discovers computers and places the computers into the first group that has a matching rule.

    Only users with Server Administrator or Group Administrator permissions can execute the Discover action.

    Discovery Settings

    Automatically discover computers every [ ] - select to automatically discover computers from one of the following intervals:

    • 1 Hour
    • 4 Hours
    • 12 Hours
    • 24 Hours
    • 1 Week

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This page refers to an older version of the product.
View the current version of the User Help.