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Alert Rule Action

In this section:

Configuring Alert Rules

Alert rules allow you to set up alert notifications matched with incoming events sent from client computers to the Management Server. Alert notifications can be sent via SNMP or as e-mail notifications via SMTP. You can assign severity levels to alert notifications according to requirements.


The SMTP node allows you to enable or disable e-mail notifications and configure the user to which e-mail notifications are sent regarding this alert.

SMTP Enable

Enable SMTP — When selected, SMTP e-mail notifications are enabled according to the configuration settings when alert rule criteria are met.

SMTP Configuration

SMTP configuration settings allow you to specify the server to which e-mails are sent and the e-mail header details including To, From and Subject details.

Expand Server Settings and E-mail Settings to display the configuration settings.



Server Settings Server Enter the path to the e-mail server through which e-mail notifications are sent to the specified user.
User Name User name with which the Management system accesses the e-mail server.
Password Password for the user profile with which the Management System accesses the e-mail server.
E-mail Settings To Address to which e-mail notifications are sent about the current alert.
From Address from which e-mail notifications are sent about the current alert.
Subject Subject line displayed in e-mail notifications about the current alert.

Create a SMTP Alert for Application Execution Denied

You can setup an SMTP alert to send an email when an application execution is denied.

  1. Select the Alerts button in the navigation pane.
  2. Expand the Alert Rules node.
  3. Select and expand the rule the Application Execution Denied rule in the navigation pane.
  4. If required, click the Criteria node and specify criteria, for example, a user name.
  5. Expand the Actions node.
  6. To send email messages when the alert criteria is met, select the SMTP node, select Enable SMTP and specify the email settings in the SMTP configuration area.


The SNMP node allows you to enable or disable trap generation when alert rule criteria are met.

SNMP Configuration

Enable SNMP — When selected, SNMP traps are generated when alert rule criteria are met.

Create a SNMP Trap

The following steps detail how to generate SNMP traps with the Management Center. These steps should be followed for each Management Server if multiple servers are using the same database.

  • Enable the Microsoft SNMP Service on the Management Server

On Windows Server 2008 R2 or later, use Microsoft Server Manager to ensure that the feature SNMP Services > SNMP Service is installed.

  • Configure the SNMP Service to Raise SNMP Traps:
    • Within the Services control panel, launch the property sheet of the SNMP Service.
    • On the Traps tab, set Community name to be public and click Add to list.
    • Under Trap Destination click Add and enter the name of the local machine.
    • On the Security tab, enable Send authentication trap, ensure public (READ_ONLY) is added to the Accepted Community Names and also enable Accept SNMP packets from any host.
    • Restart the SNMP Service and then the AppSense Alerts Service.
  • Enable SNMP in the Management Console:

    To generate SNMP traps when the criteria for an alert rule are met:

    • Select the Alerts button in the navigation pane.
    • Expand the Alert Rules node.
    • Expand the rule that you want to generate the SNMP trap for.
    • Select the SNMP node. The SNMP work area displays.
    • Select Enable SNMP.

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