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Deployment Group Settings Auditing

The Auditing tab in the Deployment Group > Setting node allows you to specify which events client computers send to the Management Server for each product agent. You can also select to display user and computer names in events anonymously.

Events can be generated for all products, click on a product to see the Event IDs and Descriptions.

Anonymous Logging

  • Always use anonymous MACHINE name in events — Events for actions performed on specific computers are reported without recording the computer name.
  • Always use anonymous USER name in events — Events for actions by specific users are reported without recording the user name.

Event Filter

Provides expandable lists of events by product which you can select either individually or by product group to generate and send to the Management Server.

The following details the Event Filter columns.



Product event ID Indicates the product name and the four digit event ID numbers for the events available for the selected product.
Event description Description of the event. You may wish to disable certain types of events which are generated in large quantity to avoid inundating the server.
Enabled Select to enable an event. Select this option in the top level list item to enable all events in the group.

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