Deployment Groups
In this section:
Deployment Groups Overview
The Deployment Groups view lists all Deployment Groups for the Management Server. Overview details for each group display including the number of computers, alerts, and deployed state which is expressed as a percentage.
From the Actions panel you can do the following:
New Deployment Group - Create a new deployment group. A new node is added to the Deployment Groups node in the navigation tree and the new deployment group overview work area displays for you to complete the group details such as, access credentials, and general, installation, custom failover server and auditing settings, membership rules and package assignment.
Clone Deployment Group - This action is enabled only if a single deployment group is selected. A new node is added to the Deployment Groups node in the navigation tree. The general and installation settings, failover servers, list of auditing events and assigned packages are copied from the selected deployment group to the newly created group.
The Membership Rules are not cloned and you cannot clone the (Default) Deployment Group.
Security - Apply Security settings to the selected Deployment Group. You can Add/Remove Groups or Users and set their permissions as Viewer, Modifier, or Full Control. You can also assign an Owner to the group. These security settings are added to the Security Roles in the Security navigation button.
Default Deployment Group
The Default deployment group node includes computers which are registered to the Management Server but do not match the membership criteria of existing deployment groups. If an existing deployment group is deleted, computers within the deleted group are moved to this node.
The default deployment group contains the same settings and nodes as a new deployment group.
You can move the computers to another deployment group by selecting them and then clicking Move in the Actions column.
Deployment Group
When you create a new deployment group the overview work area displays the following sections:
Displays the name and description of the deployment group. Click in either field to make any amendments.
The access credentials display with the Manage Credentials button to add and manage the credentials specifically for the deployment group.
Manage Credentials
Access Credentials provide a global list of access credentials for all deployment groups. The Access Credentials list for Deployment Groups overrides any global Access Credentials within that group. You can add multiple users to the list and they are attempted in the order defined in the work area.
- Select the Home node in the navigation pane.
- Expand the Deployment Groups node.
- Select the [Deployment Group] node.
- In the Details section select the Manage Credentials button.
Do one or more of the following:
- To add a credential enter the user name and password and select Add.
- To remove a credential, highlight the required credential and select the Remove button.
- To order credentials in the list select the required credential and select the Move Up or Move Down buttons.
Directly access the following settings for the deployment group:
- General - setup the server polling, downloads and event data upload periods, configuration deployment format and deployment agent permissions.
- Installation - setup the agent and configuration installation schedules.
- Custom Failover Servers - setup the list of failover servers specific to this deployment group.
- Auditing - setup anonymous logging and event filters.
Membership Rules
The Membership Rules section displays a list of all membership rules for the deployment group.
Configure Membership Rules
Click the Configure Membership Rules button to change the view to Home > [Server] > Membership Rules to setup or manage the membership rules for the deployment group.
Assigned Packages
The Assigned Packages section displays a list of all assigned packages for each installed User Workspace Manager product with details of package type, agent or configuration and version number, number of packages installed and the number of computers in the group, with agents installed, that have polled the management server within the last 30 days.
Assign Packages
Click the Assign Packages button to changes the view to Home > [Server] > Deployment Groups > [Deployment Group] > Packages to change agent or configuration versions.
The Computer section displays the following:
- Total number of computers within the selected deployment group.
- Number of completely deployed computers i.e. packages are 100% deployed.
Total number of Computers which are currently offline.
A computer is considered offline if the installed Deployment Agent does not poll back within twice its default poll period.
The Server Polling period is set up in the Deployment Groups > [Deployment Group] > Settings > General tab, the default poll period is set at 1 Hour.
Number of computers which have either a deployment or diagnostic error.
A computer shows with errors if an attempt to deploy a package has failed or has a diagnostic error. The relevant Computer displays in red in the Computers node and also the Group to which the computer belongs.
Click on any of the numbers to change the view to the Home > [Server] > Deployment Groups > [Deployment Group] > Computers node.
The Alerts section displays the following:
- Total number of unresolved alerts that the user has permission to view for the deployment group.
- Total number of unresolved alerts which belong to an alert rule that has Critical severity.
- Total number of alerts which have a status set to New.
- Total number of unresolved alerts that have been raised in the last 24 hours.
The Critical, New and Created in Last 24 hrs alert categories are not mutually exclusive,therefore, an alert can potentially be seen in all 3 categories.
Click on any of the numbers to change the view to the Home > [Server] > Deployment Groups > [Deployment Group] > Alerts node.
The Events section displays the total number of events in the system which belong to the selected deployment group that the user has permission to view and the total events raised in the last 24 hours.
Click on any of the numbers to change the view to the Home > [Server] > Deployment Groups > [Deployment Group] > Events node.
Security — Launches the Security for [Deployment Group Name] dialog in which you can change the Allow/Deny settings in the list of available Security Roles and change the owner of the current object.
Configuring Deployment Groups
Once created, Deployment Groups can be configured in a number of ways, this is a suggested workflow so you can see all elements that need to be setup.

Home > [Server] > Deployment Groups > New Deployment Group in the Actions panel.
A new deployment group is created. The new group is created with the name NewDeploymentGroup. To rename the node you can right-click and select Rename from the context menu, alternatively you can click on the Name field in the Details section in the deployment group work area.

Home > [Server] > Deployment Groups > [Deployment Group] > Settings
Configure the following for the deployment group:
- Settings
- Packages
- Computers
- Alerts
- Events

Home > [Server] > Membership Rules
Edit the conditions to set up the membership rules. You can move the membership rules up and down, this is important because when discovering computers the computer is placed in the first deployment group that has a matching rule.

Home > [Server] > Membership Rules > Discover in the Actions panel
Click Discover in the Actions panel to find computers that match the group membership rules. Matching computers display in the list.

Home > [Server] > Deployment Groups > [Deployment Group] > Computers > Install Deployment Agent in the Actions panel.
Select the computer to which you want to deploy the Deployment Agent and select Install Deployment Agent in the Actions panel.
The Client Access Log tab in the Computers work area displays details on the installation progress.
Move Computers Between Deployment Groups
You can move computers between different deployment groups by highlighting a listed computer in a deployment group and selecting Move in the Actions panel.
You can select this option in the Computers node of any deployment group.
- Select one or more computers in the list.
Click Move in the Actions panel.
The Move Computers dialog box displays.
Select the deployment group to move the computers to and click Move.
The computers are relocated to the new group.
- Check the destination deployment group to view the computer in the new location.