Reports View
The Reports view; select the Reports navigation button, allows you to generate a range of reports for the Management Center and each of the User Workspace Manager products, based on events sent to the server.
In this section:
The User Workspace Manager Installer installs the report templates which are in REPDEFX format. New report templates and updates to existing templates are periodically made available for download from thIvanti Community.
The Reporting node displays a summary of all the available report templates listed in alphabetical order. The Reporting sub nodes list the report templates by product, such as, Management Center.
Select a template and click Generate Report to view results in the work area.
- Generate Report — Generates results for the currently selected template. Specify report filters using the available parameters in the Actions area of the view when the report is selected.
Import Reports — Launches the Open dialog box for browsing to additional report templates downloaded to your local disk or network source. Report templates are packaged in REPDEFX format. Multiple reports can be selected for import.
If you import an update to an existing template a warning message displays informing you that an existing template will be replaced. Click Yes to continue.
If the software was installed manually using the product MSIs there will be no default reports, use the Import Reports option to upload the report packages. From the Open dialog, navigate to the installation folder\Software\Products\Reports, all available report packs are listed in ARPX format, select the required product report packs and click Open. The Reports are added to the database and can be seen in the Management Console. The warning message, described above, displays if you attempt to upload an existing report.
- Remove Reports — Deletes any reports which you have selected from the list in the Reports work area. You can select multiple reports. A confirmation box displays and lists the names of the reports you have selected to delete. Click OK to complete the action.
- Security — Launches the Security for [ObjectName] dialog box. You can change the Allow/Deny settings in the list of available Security Roles and change the owner of the current object.
Default Reports
The default report templates are loaded into the Management Console when the Management Center is installed using the User Workspace Manager Installer. If the software is installed manually using the product MSIs then you must import the reports from the installation media \Software\Products\Reports

Computer Startup Action - Provides details of Computer Startup events.
Removable Storage Control Action - Provides details of Removable Storage Control events.
Self Healing Action - Provides details of Self Healing events.
User Logon/Logoff Action - Provides details of User Logon/Logoff events

Allowed Application Activity - Details of the execution of allowed applications.
Allowed Application Activity (By Client) - Collated details of the execution of allowed applications - Collated by Client Summary.
Allowed Application Activity (By Computer)- Collated details of the execution of allowed applications - Collated by Computer Summary.
Application Activity - Summary of Application Activity.
Application Activity- Detailed - Details of Application Activity.
Application Termination Activity - Application Termination Report.
Client Activity - Summary of Client Activity.
Client Activity- Detailed - Details of Client Activity Report.
Computer Activity - Summary of Computer Activity.
Computer Activity - Detailed - Details of Computer Activity.
Event Activity - Summary of Event Activity.
Event Activity - Detailed - Details of Event Activity.
Self-Elevation - Summary of Self-Elevation occurrences.
User Activity - Summary of User Activity.
User Activity - Detailed - Details of User Activity.
User Privilege Management Activity - User Privilege Management Report.
Web Installation Activity - Summary of web installations allowed or denied due to Application Control rules.
Web Installation Discovery - Summary of web installations which were denied due to lack of privileges.
Web Installation Failed - Summary of web installations that failed due to interruption or user cancellation.

Application CPU Usage - Provides details of application CPU usage events
Application memory event details - Provides details of application memory usage events.
Thread throttling - Provides details of thread throttling events.
User memory usage - Provides details of user memory usage events.

Alerts - Detailed report of alerts and their associated alert rules.
Computers - Overview of Computers.
Deployment Groups - Overview of Deployment Groups.
Events - Detailed report of events and their associated parameters, including event definitions.
Events Definitions - Overview of all Events Definitions.
Package Audit - Overview of Package audit data
Report Filter
The report facility allows you to produce tailored reports by use of the filter parameters.
The filter parameters are available to the right of the work area when you select a specific report template. You can select a specific report template in one of the following ways:
- Reports > Reporting > double-click a report from the list in the work area.
- Reports > Reporting > [Product] > [Reports Template]
- Reports > Reporting > [Product] > double-click a report from the list in the work area.
Report parameters vary according to the product and report type you are generating. Common filter parameters include time and date ranges, event types, computers and users.
Asterisk (*) and question mark (?) wildcard characters are supported in the report parameters. The asterisk represents zero or more characters, and the question mark wildcard represents a single character.
Generate a Report
The Management Center contains a number of predefined reports for each of the products in the User Workspace Manager suite. You can generate reports to create useful information about events, logon / logoff actions, user activity and so on.
- Select the Reports button in the navigation pane.
Do one of the following:
Select the Reporting node.
All reports display.
- Select a report and select Generate Report on the Actions panel.
Expand the Reporting > [ Product] node.
Reports corresponding to the product display.
- Enter filtering criteria in the right pane if required and select Generate Report.
- The generated reportdisplays in the center pane of the console.
- Use the viewing and editing options to Print, Magnify or Save.
View and Edit Reports
As a report is generated it displays in the work area. Multiple reports can be generated, a new tab in the work area is created for each report. Select a tab to toggle the view between generated reports. Reports can be printed or exported to a range of supported electronic formats. Page margins can be manually adjusted using the control handles displayed in each Report view.
Reports display with a toolbar which includes a flexible range of display and navigation tools, as follows:
- Document Map - Shows the report navigation panel which displays the list of contents for the report. Select a heading in the list to jump to a specific location in the report. The document map can be docked to remain hidden when not in use and shown as a tab at the left-hand side of the report. The document map slides open when the cursor hovers over the tab.
- Search - Displays the Find dialog. You can search the report for references containing specific characters, words or phrases and includes case and whole word matching.
- Print - Displays the Print dialog for printing a report.
- Print Direct - Prints the document directly to your default printer.
- Page Setup - Allows you to set page layout options including page size, paper source, orientation and margins. Margins can be adjusted manually using the handles shown in the report display.
- Hand Tool - Provides easy scrolling of the current report.
- Zoom - Allows you to adjust the zoom to a specified value or to make incremental adjustments manually by clicking the buttons to zoom in or out.
- Page Navigation - Buttons allow you to jump to the next, previous, first and last pages.
- Multiple Page Display - Allows you to select multiple pages to display simultaneously.
- Color - Displays a selection palette. You can select an alternative background color for the generated report.
- Watermark - Allows you to add a watermark to report pages before printing with a range of watermark display options.
- Export Document - Allows you to save the report to disk in a range of output formats including, PDF, Text, CSV, HTML, MHT, Excel (XLS), RTF and BMP.
- Send E-mail - Allows you to send the report by e-mail. You are prompted to save the report in one of a range of output formats to a temporary location on the disk. An e-mail is created using your e-mail application and includes the saved report as a file attachment. Complete the address details and add any additional information before sending the e-mail. File attachment output formats include, PDF, Text, CSV, MHT, Excel (XLS), RTF, BMP.
- Exit - Closes the report currently displayed.
Import a Report
The Management Center contains a number of predefined reports. Additional reports are occasionally released by Ivanti. New reports can be imported into the Management Center for use against raised events.
- Select the Reports button on the navigation pane.
Select the Reporting node.
The All Reports work area displays.
Click Import Reports on the Actions panel.
The Open dialog box displays.
Browse to and select the report to import and click Open.
The report displays in the work area.
- To generate the report, click Generate Report on the Actions panel.
Delete a Report
The Management Center contains a number of reports. You can delete reports, for example, reports that are no longer required or that are redundant.
- Select the Reports button on the navigation pane.
Select the Reporting node.
The All Reports work area displays.
- Select the report that you want to delete in the work area.
Click Remove Reports on the Actions panel.
A warning message displays.
- Click Yes to confirm deletion.