Management Center Telemetry
Ivanti learns most about our products from the real-world experience of our valued customer base. We greatly value the feedback provided to us. However, to make the best-informed decisions on future developments of our products we need a wide view of deployment and adoption data.
Telemetry data can help us measure the quality, scalability, reliability and capabilities of our products. Using such data can enable us to deliver the solutions our customers demand faster, and alert us to areas which customers would find less useful.
Launched in release 2020.2, Ivanti want to ensure a high level of transparency on this topic. The telemetry data we gather is the same data set our customer support teams use to resolve user issues. It is listed below.
Data gathered
Management Center telemetry data is gathered from each server on a weekly basis and held in a secure Application Insights instance.
Data collected:
Management Server version
List of licensing codes
Total number of endpoints
Number of endpoints that have polled in the last week
List of agent versions that are deployed and the count of each version
Language version
Note, this is the language version of the User Workspace Manager Suite Installer; not the language of your OS.
Configurations customers have saved in their database:
Total number of config packages by product, and the average size of the versions.
Total number of config versions deployed by product on machines that have polled in the last week and the average size.
Incremental versions: number of versions for each config package by product.
Number of groups set to deploy native configurations.
Number of events by product.
Withholding telemetry data
The gathering of this telemetry data is in-line with our existing EULA agreement and does not include any sensitive or personally-identifiable data. The telemetry data is gathered by default. However, any customers not wishing to participate can withhold this data by changing the TelemetryMode engineering key.

From the Start menu select Run, In the Run dialog, enter
to open the Registry Editor. -
Navigate to the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AppSense Technologies\Management Server\TelemetryMode
Enter the string value required:
Value |
Description |
Production |
Default value. Telemetry data is sent |
Log |
Telemetry data is written to the log file but is not sent to Ivanti |
Off |
Data is not collated or sent |
Restart the Ivanti UWM Scheduler service.
Firewall changes
To allow this data to reach Ivanti there is a requirement to open some outgoing ports within your server’s firewall.
Please refer to the Outgoing Ports > Telemetry section of this Microsoft article.