Personalization Operations


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User Management

In this section:

About User Roles

Before they can use the Personalization Operations console, users or groups of users must be added as users and then assigned roles and Personalization Groups. You can do this in User Roles, if you have the Master Administrator role. You can also edit role and group assignments and delete users and groups.

If a user is a member of  multiple groups in the user roles list, an error message is generated when they log in.

To access the page, click User Roles in the navigation bar.

The page lists existing users and groups, with their roles and assigned Personalization Groups. Filter the list by entering the leading characters of the user or group name in the filter box at the top of the page.

To manage user roles, use the following commands:

Icon Task
Add users/groups
Edit selected users/groups
Delete selected users/groups  

Add a User or Group

Add users and groups from the Active Directory as Personalization Operations users and assign roles and Personalization Groups to them.

  1. In User Roles, click the Add icon (the plus sign).

    The Add User/Group dialog displays.

  2. To locate the user or group to add, click either:
    • The Search AD tab
      1. In the tab, enter the leading characters of the user or group name in the search box and click the Search icon.
      2. In the list of results, select the user or group to add and click Next.
    • The Browse AD tab
      1. In the Active Directory tree, navigate to the user or group to add, select it, and click Next.
      2. To assign a role to the selected group or user, select a role from the Assign Role dropdown.
      3. To assign Personalization Groups to the group or user, select the checkbox for the relevant group in the Assign Groups list.

    If users are assigned multiple groups, an error message is displayed when they try to log in.

  3. Click Add User.

    The user is added to the User Roles page and a success message displays.

Edit a User or Group

Alter the role or Personalization Group assignment for a user.

  1. In User Roles, select the checkbox for the user or group you want to edit, and click the Edit icon (the pencil).

    The Edit User/Group dialog displays.

  2. To change the assigned role of the selected user or group, select a new role from the Assign Role drop-down.
  3. To change the Personalization Group assignment, select or deselect the checkboxes for one or more groups in the Assign Groups list.
  4. Click Save.

The User Roles page reflects your changes and a success message displays.

Delete a User or Group

Delete individual or multiple users and groups in a single action.

  1. In User Roles, select the checkboxes for the users and groups you want to delete.

    You can multi-select users and groups.

  2. Click the Delete icon (the trashcan).

    The Delete User/Group confirmation dialog warns you that deletion is irreversible.

  3. If you're sure you want to delete the users or groups, click Delete User.

The user is removed from the User Roles page and a success message displays.

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