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Backups for Single Users

In this section:

Delete All Backups for a Group for a User

Perform a quick task to delete all unprotected backups for all Windows Settings Groups or an Application Group for a specific user.

  1. Search for and select a user.

    The Manage User's Current Settings and Manage User's Backups buttons are now active.

  2. Click Manage User's Backups.

    The Backups dialog displays.

  3. In the table of configuration groups, select whether to delete backups for Windows Settings Groups or an Application Group.
  4. Under Quick Tasks, select Delete all unprotected backups for a selected group.
  5. You can select Preserve Latest to prevent the most recent backup being deleted.
  6. Click Execute Task.

    The task is completed and a success message displays. All backups expect for protected backups are deleted.

Example: Perform a quick task to delete all backups for an Application Group

Create a Group Backup for a User

Perform a quick task to create a new backup for all Windows Settings Groups or an Application Group for a specific user.

  1. Search for and select a user.

    The Manage User's Current Settings and Manage User's Backups buttons are now active.

  2. Click Manage User's Backups.

    The Backups dialog displays.

  3. In the table of configuration groups, select whether to create backups for Windows Settings Groups or an Application Group.
  4. Under Quick Tasks, select Create new backup for selected group.
  5. Enter a description for the new archive, and optionally select Protect to make it a protected backup.
  6. Click Execute Task.

    The task is completed and a success message displays.

Delete Backups for a User

Create a custom task to delete one or more backups for Windows Settings or an Application Group for a specific user.

  1. Search for and select a user.

    The Manage User's Current Settings and Manage User's Backups buttons are now active.

  2. Click Manage User's Backups.

    The Backups dialog displays.

  3. In the table of configuration groups, select whether to delete backups for Windows Settings Groups or an Application Group.
  4. Select View backups and create custom task for the selected group, and click Next.

    The dialog displays the backups for the selected group.

  5. Select one or more backups and then select Delete selected backups.

    You can delete multiple unprotected backups at a time but can protect or unprotect only one at a time.

  6. Click Execute Task.

    The task is executed and a success message displays.

Protect a Backup for a User

Create a custom task to protect a backup for Windows Settings or an Application Group for a specific user.

  1. Search for and select a user.

    The Manage User's Current Settings and Manage User's Backups buttons are now active.

  2. Click Manage User's Backups.

    The Backups dialog displays.

  3. In the table of configuration groups, select whether to protect a backup for Windows Settings or an Application Group.
  4. Select View backups and create custom task for the selected group, and click Next.

    The dialog displays the backups for the selected group.

  5. Select the backup that you want to protect and then select Protect selected backup.

    You can protect only one backup at a time, so this action unprotects the currently protected backup.

  6. Click Execute Task.

    The task is executed and a success message displays.

Unprotect a Backup for a User

Create a custom task to unprotect a backup for Windows Settings or Application Groups for a specific user.

  1. Search for and select a user.

    The Manage User's Current Settings and Manage User's Backups buttons are now active.

  2. Click Manage User's Backups.

    The Backups dialog displays.

  3. In the table of configuration groups, select whether to unprotect a backup for Windows Settings or an Application Group.
  4. Select View backups and create custom task for the selected group, and click Next.

    The dialog displays the backups for the selected group.

  5. Select a protected backup and then select Unprotect selected backup
  6. Click Execute Task.

    The task is executed and a success message displays.

Edit the Backup Description for a User

Create a custom task to edit the description for a backup of a selected Windows Settings or Application Group for a specific user.

  1. Search for and select a user.

    The Manage User's current settings and Manage User's Backups buttons are now active.

  2. Click Manage User's Backups.

    The Backups dialog displays.

  3. In the table of configuration groups, select whether to edit a backup description for Windows Settings or an Application Group.
  4. Select View backups and create custom task for the selected group, and click Next.

    Select the backup to edit and then select Edit description.

  5. Enter an new description in the text box and click Execute Task.

    The task is executed and a success message displays.

Restore the Latest Backup for a Group for a User

Choose a quick task to restore the latest backup for a Windows Settings or Application Group.

  1. Search for and select a user.

    The Manage User's Current Settings and Manage User's Backups buttons are now active.

  2. Click Manage User's Current Settings.

    The Current Settings dialog lists the names and content of the user's Application and Windows Settings groups.

  3. Select the group for which you want to restore the latest backup.
  4. Under Quick Tasks, select Restore latest backup. If you are restoring a backup for a Windows Settings group, select the appropriate Windows Settings option(s) in a second select box.

    You can multi-select Windows Settings groups.

  5. You can choose to Back up current settings first when you select this option. If you do, enter a description for the new backup.
  6. Click Next.

    The dialog displays a summary of the actions you have selected.

  7. Click Finish.

    The task is executed and a success message displays.

Restore a Specific Backup for a User

Create a custom task to restore a specific backup of a Windows Settings or Application Group.

  1. Search for and select a user.

    The Manage User's current settings and Manage User's Archives buttons are now active.

  2. Click Manage User's Current settings.

    The current settings dialog lists the names and content of the user's Application and Windows Settings groups.

  3. Select a group, and then under Custom Tasks select Restore a specific backup.
  4. Click Next.

    The dialog displays a table of the available backups, with information in the backup date, description, size, and protected status.

  5. To restore a backup for an Application Group, go to step 7.
  6.  To restore backup for a Windows Settings Group, select an appropriate option in the selected backup drop-down, for example:
    • all windows settings groups
    • Accessibility
    • IE10+ Cookies and History
    • Regions and Language
    • Security
  7. In the table of available backups, select the backup that you want to restore.
  8. You have the option to Back up current settings first.
  9. Click Execute Task.
  10. Click Finish.

    The task is executed and a success message displays.

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