Configure User Dashboard and Calendar Settings

Use the Dashboards & Calendars page in the CSM Options window to configure the following User Dashboard and Calendar settings:

  • Default Dashboard (Home Dashboard).
  • Default Heads Up Display (HUD).
  • Default Calendar.
  • Default Mobile settings: Configure how Cherwell Mobile looks and behaves on your personal mobile device.
    The Cherwell Mobile applications for iOS and Android were deprecated in March 2019 and are no longer available in their respective application stores. Cherwell Mobile applications that are already installed should continue to work as expected, however.
  • Allow Web Proxies for Web Requests (RSS, Twitter, etc.).
  • Clear the local Metric Cache.

To configure User Dashboard and Calendar settings:

  1. From the menu bar, select Tools>Options.
  2. Click the Dashboards & Calendars page.
  3. Select a default Dashboard:
    1. Use default: Select this radio button to use the global default Dashboard.
    2. Dashboard: Select this radio button to use select your own Dashboard instead of the default Dashboard.
    3. Click the Dashboard button Dashboard Button to open the Dashboard Manager, and then select an existing Dashboard or create a new Dashboard.
  4. Select a default HUD:
    1. Use default: Select this radio button to use the global default HUD.
    2. Heads-up Display: Select this radio button to select your own HUD instead of the default HUD.
  5. Select a default Calendar:
    1. Use default: Select this radio button to use the global default Calendar.
    2. Calendar: Select this radio button to select your own Calendar instead of the default Calendar.
    3. Click the Calendar buttonCalendar Button to open the Calendar Manager, and then select an existing Calendar or create a new Calendar to use as the default.
  6. Configure default Mobile Settings:
    1. Customize Mobile Settings: Select this check box to override the default Cherwell Mobile Dashboards configured in CSM Administrator.
    2. Click the Mobile Dashboards button to open the Default Mobile Access Setup window, and then define how Cherwell Mobile looks and behaves on your personal mobile device.
  7. Configure whether or not to allow Web Proxy for RSS, Twitter, and other Web requests:
    1. Allow Web Proxy for RSS, Twitter, and Other Web Requests: Select this check box to receive CSM RSS Feeds.
      CSM RSS Feeds allow Customers of an RSS reader to subscribe to CSM data (such as newly created Incidents) based on a Saved Search or other criteria. Note that for RSS Feeds to operate, the Cherwell Web Service must be installed. RSS Feeds are disabled in the Browser Application settings in CSM Administrator.
  8. Clear the Local Metric Cache: Click this button to clear all the Metric values that are stored on your local machine.
  9. Select OK.