Configure User Display Settings

You can configure display settings specific to the logged-in user. These user display settings override some global display settings.

To configure user display settings, in the CSM Browser Client select Tools > Options, and in the Cherwell Service Management Options window select Display.

Make any necessary changes, then select OK to save your configured settings.

Application Skin

To control the appearance of the Desktop Client and CSM Administrator shells, select an application Skin.

Window Titles

To configure window title settings, select the Display connection information check box, then select an option from the drop-down list. The available window title types are:

  • Connection: Displays as <connection name> connection.
  • Database: Displays as <database name> database.
  • Environment (Production, Development, or Test): Displays as <environment name> environment.
  • Connection and database: Displays as <connection name> connection, <database name> database.
  • Connection and environment: Displays as <connection name>, <environment> name.
  • Connection, database, and environment: Displays as <connection name> connection, <database name> database, <environment name> environment.

    If no environment value is selected, the content displays as Unknown environment.

This setting applies to all CSM databases (example: CSM Administrator) on your current computer.

Multiple Monitors

If you have multiple monitors, you can specify where to open/restore CSM application windows. Not all Cherwell windows persist their location. For those windows, the standard behavior depends on Microsoft Windows.

Select the Override system window restore settings check box, then select an option from the drop-down list:

  • Original Monitor

    Window opens in the same location on the same monitor where it was last closed.

  • Application Main Window Monitor

    Window opens in the same location on the same monitor as the application Main window (the upper-left of the main application is the control point if the application straddles multiple monitors).

  • Mouse Pointer Monitor

    Window opens in the same location on the same monitor as the mouse pointer. This option only differs from the Application Main Window Monitor option when the User uses the keyboard to open windows in CSM, and the mouse pointer is located on a different monitor from the one where the application Main window is located. For example, if you have the CSM Main application on monitor 2, but bring up the One-Step Action Manager and drag it to monitor 1, when you edit an existing One-Step Action, the Manager will appear on monitor 1, even though the main application is still on monitor 2.

    This setting applies to all CSM databases (example: CSM Administrator) on your current computer. Windows that always open fully on the screen are not governed by these changes. If a window is too large to physically fit on the monitor, it will be snapped to the left and/or top edges depending on if it is too big in just one or both dimensions. You might notice this if you consistently drags windows partially off of the screen and expect them to open that way the next time.


By default, Forms display with high-contrast colors.

To assists users with accessibility needs, select the Override Business Object form themes with Windows colors (for high-contrast users) check box.

Windows colors are now used instead of the Form's defined Theme.