CSM Desktop Client Task Pane

The CSM Desktop Client Task Pane is highly configurable and is used to quickly access tasks. The tasks in the Task Pane vary depending on the active item in the Main Pane (example: If an Incident is active, the tasks will be Incident-specific).

By default, the Task Pane is located on the left side of the main window; however, you can display it/hide it, collapse/pin it, and move/dock it so that you can display it when and where you want.

A system administrator initially chooses which items appear by default for each role; however, if you have security rights, you can select which items appear on your own Task Pane.

Table 1. CSM Desktop Client Task Pane Options
  • Quick Search: Displays the Quick Search options.
  • Common Tasks: Displays tasks you frequently do.
  • Actions: Displays common actions for the active record. This area changes based on the record (Business Object) you are working with.
  • Queues: Displays the current record and a list of specific grouped records.
    For more information, refer to About Queues.
  • Process & Terminology: Displays helpful text for the active record.
  • Customer Info: Displays a mini customer summary for any active record that allows you to select a customer (example: Incident).