Install HR Case Management Portals

To install the Cherwell HR Case Management Portals, perform the following steps:

  1. Save the HR Case Management_Portal.mApp file somewhere you can easily access it.
  2. Create a backup of your database. Cherwell offers a way to do this from the Administrator side or you are welcome to back up your database however you prefer.
  3. Once your backup is complete, Open the Cherwell Administrator and choose mApps on the right-hand side.
  4. Click Apply a mApp.
  5. Navigate to and open your saved mApp file.
  6. Follow the instructions in the Apply mApp Wizard.
  7. After the mApp has successfully installed and merge processes have run and a Blueprint is generated, open Cherwell Service Management (The Blue Client).
  8. Click Help > Reload Definitions.
  9. Once definitions are reloaded, click Dashboards > Dashboard Manager.
  10. Your new Human Resources Dashboards are located here:
    • Global/Corporate Portal/Human-Resources-v3/HRV3-Enter
    • Global/Corporate Portal/Human-Resources-v3/HRV3-Home
    • Global/Corporate Portal/Human-Resources-v3/HRV3-Catalog