Cherwell HRSM Knowledge Articles

You can create new Knowledge Articles and make them available for HR staff to use when working Cases.

The Knowledge Article workflow consists of four phases:

  1. Create a new HR Knowledge Article.
  2. The Technical Review Team reviews and modifies the technical content.
  3. The Format Review team ensures the Knowledge Article renders correctly in the Portals. The Format Review is only required if the HR Knowledge Article is intended to be visible in the Portals.
  4. Retire an article, if needed.

Good to know:

  • When searching for HR Knowledge Articles in the CSM Browser Client, you must select which article type you want to search for.
  • Use the Article and Details buttons to toggle views.
  • Searches for HR Knowledge Article only query the keywords that are associated with an HR Knowledge Article, such as the category and subcategory (example: Benefits, Beneficiaries).
  • In HR Cases, a Potential Solutions tab lists HR Knowledge Articles that match the Case Subcategory against HR Knowledge Article keywords.