Configure AWS Service Catalog for CSM

This mApp® Solution expects that your AWS products will be stored inside a portfolio in AWS Service Catalog. The integration also supports multiple portfolios, but this is not required.

To configure the AWS Service Catalog:

  1. Log into the AWS console and navigate to Service Catalog.
  2. Follow the steps outlined in the Getting Started section of AWS Service Catalog documentation (see Getting Started). Complete these steps prior to setting up Add Departments to the AWS Portfolio Supporting Object. Ensure that you have at least one portfolio here and your products are stored inside it.
  3. Select AWS Service catalog. This mApp Solution assumes that Service Catalog and portfolio are used, even if you have only one.

Service Catalog End User Baseline Permissions

  1. If you have not already done so, you will need to make sure the CFTs in the Service Catalog have the correct IAM roles and security to run.
  2. Add the following permissions (policies) to the user whose keys you will use to call the API:
    1. AWSServiceCatalogAdminReadOnlyAccess (AWS managed policy)
    2. AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess (AWS managed policy)
    3. AmazonEC2ReadOnlyAccess (AWS managed policy)