Configure the AWS mApp Solution

This topic covers the steps to configure the AWS mApp Solution using CSM Administrator and AWS Console. There are global configuration items, which need to be completed for any mApp Solution functionality to work, and use-case specific configuration items.

The configuration requirements for mApp Solutions vary depending on your existing environment and the setup in your AWS account. Review each topic in this section to determine which areas need to be manually configured.

Configuration by AWS Service

These services need to be enabled and configured for the AWS mApp Solution to work.

  1. Identity and Access Management (IAM).
  2. Service Catalog.
  3. Simple Notification Service (SNS).

Configuration for CSM

Complete the following procedures to configure this mApp Solution. Configuration procedures are completed in the Desktop Client and CSM Administrator.

Complete these steps for the AWS mApp Solution to work.

  1. Configure Security Groups.
  2. Add AWS Access Keys to CSM.
  3. Add Departments to the AWS Portfolio Supporting Object.

Configure these steps to support specific mApp Solution use cases.