Overwrite External Mapping to CAM Network Adapter

Use this information to overwrite external mapping to the CAM Network Adapter Business Object.

  • Imported External Table: ESM_v_GetNetworkAdapterInformation
  • Field that holds unique ID: Unique ID
External Table Field Name Cherwell Field Name
adapterDescription Adapter Description
adapterName Adapter Name
adapterType Adapter Type
autoconfigureEnabled Autoconfigure Enabled
connectionSpecificDnsSuffix Connection Specific DNS Suffix
dhcpEnabled DHCP Enabled
dhcpleaseexpires DHCP Lease Expires
dhcpleaseobtained DHCP Lease Obtained
dhcpServer DHCP Server
dnsServers DNS Servers
gateways Gateways
ipAddress IP Address
macAddress MAC Address
machineDomain Machine Domain
machineId Machine ID
machineName Machine Name
mediaDisconnected Media Disconnected
networkAdapterId Network Adapter ID
subnetMask Subnet Mask
UniqueId Unique ID
winsPrimary Wins Primary
winsSecondary Wins Secondary