Define the BeyondTrust Menu Bar Options

Use CSM Administrator to define the BeyondTrust menu bar options.

This functionality is only available if you have applied the BeyondTrust Remote Support mApp® Solution. For more information, refer to the mApp Solution Tech Notes documentation.

To define the BeyondTrust menu bar options:

  1. In CSM Administrator, select Browser and Mobile, and then select Site Manager.
  2. Select the Portal site and select Edit (Typically, portal is the IT site).
  3. In the Properties window, select the Menu page.
  4. In the menu tree, select BeyondTrust Chat Request.
  5. Action: Select Ellipses.
    1. In the Choose Action window, select One-Steps.
    2. From the Association drop-down list, select (None).
    3. Expand the Blueprint folder in the menu tree and select BeyondTrust.
    4. Select the Portal Create Session One-Step Action.
    5. Select OK.
  6. Display text: BeyondTrust Chat Request. If BeyondTrust is not listed in the menu tree, you can create a One-Step Action by selecting Add action > Add One-Step action.
    1. In the One-Step Action Manager, select Association > (None).
    2. Select any One-Step Action as a placeholder.
    3. Display text: BeyondTrust Chat Request.
  7. Help text: Requests a BeyondTrust chat session with a Service Desk Technician.
  8. Expressions:
    1. Clear the Visible check box.
    2. Select the Enabled check box.
    3. Select Ellipses.
    4. In the Expression Manager, select Service Desk Open.
    5. Select OK.
  9. Security Options:
    1. Visible: From the drop-down list, select Logged-In only.
    2. Right: From the drop-down list, select (None).
    3. Enabled: From the drop-down list, select Logged-In only.
    4. Right: From the drop-down list, select (None).
  10. Select OK and then select Close.