
Softbooking places a resource's time on hold for proposed Tasks.

Softbooking accurately represents a resource's available time, so a manager can reserve an employee's time for future Tasks.

When a resource is assigned a Work Item with a status of New, the resource is softbooked. Once the status moves beyond New, the resource is no longer softbooked; it has allocated hours.

A Resource Manager can use the Resource Availability by Individual and Resource Availability by Role dashboards to see available hours per resource or individual (allocated, softbooked, and PTO hours). They can use that information to schedule Tasks for the month based on who has available hours and when. Available hours versus allocated hours show if a resource is overallocated or has availability for other Tasks. Resource Managers can make adjustments to any softbooked hours, and plan ahead to manage a resource's utilization and adjust their time as needed.

When you create a new Work Item, the following fields must be completed before the information is displayed on a dashboard: Assigned To, Scheduled Start Date, Due Date, and Effort (this is what consumes time). You must save the Work Item, and then open it directly to see the Effort field (in the Resource Fields tab).