Create a Service Catalog Template

You can create a Service Catalog Template (SCT) using either the CSM Desktop Client or the CSM Browser Client.

To create a Service Catalog Template:

  1. On the Desktop Client toolbar, select New > New Service Catalog Template.

    A new SCT record is created with a unique ID and a status of New.

    The Critical Path will create a cumulative process completion time based on all attached SLAs, Work Units, and Dependencies. SCTs can be linked to Work Units and Incidents from within the SCT form, a Work Unit form, or an Incident form.
  2. Title: Provide a title for the Service Catalog Template (example: New Employee Setup).
  3. Portal Title: Autopopulates based on the Title field. Provide a different title for the Portal (Service Catalog page), if necessary.
  4. Description: Provide a description for the Service Catalog Template (example: Create all necessary items for a new employee setup).
  5. Portal Description: Autopopulates based on the Description field. Provide a different description for the Portal (Service Catalog page), if necessary.
  6. Service Classification: Select a Service Classification that matches the Service, Category, and Subcategory. An abbreviated read-only Service form displays in the Form Arrangement.
  7. Critical Path Time Units: Autopopulates based on attached SLAs, Work Units, and Dependencies.
  8. Service Catalog Template Category: Select a Service Catalog Template Category (example: HR Process). This categorization allows Users to filter Service Catalog Templates for Saved Searches and Reports.
  9. Resolution Business Hours: Choose a timeframe from the Business Hours Manager.
  10. Assign a Business Owner In the Default Form, assign a Business Owner in the Default Form.
  11. Assign an IT Process owner (if different from the creator) by clicking one of the ownership links in the Default Form:
    • Creator's name (example: Henri Bryce): Click this link to select a User owner.
    • Creator's Team (example: 3rd Level Support): Click this link to first select a Team owner.
  12. Add Work Units to the Service Catalog Template:
    1. Click the Add a Work Unit link.

      The Work Unit Selector opens displaying available WUs.

    2. Select a Work Unit from the Grid. Linked Work Units will appear in the Work Unit tab as they are added to the SCT. To view the detailed Work Unit form, click the Jump button in the Form Arrangement toolbar. The Work Units will then populate the Work Unit Order tab where they are organized by the system.
      As Work Units are added, Dependencies can also be added to dictate the order in which the Work Units are completed. Work Units with Dependencies are easily viewed in the Work Unit Order tab. Above, before the PC can get an Asset Tag, the laptop must first be acquired.
    3. (Optional) Manage Work Units in the Work Unit Functions section, these will not appear in the SCT unless the SCT has Work Units or Dependencies linked to it:
      • Add a Work Unit: Add additional Work Unit to the Service Catalog Template.
      • Delete a Work Unit: Remove a Work Unit from the Service Catalog Template.
      • Reorder the Work Units: Organize the order of the Work Units.
      • Update Completion Times: Automatically syncs Supplier Agreements with Work Units and updates the Critical Path Time.
      • Add a Dependency: Add a dependency to a Work Unit. The Work Unit that is depended upon must be completed before the dependent Work Unit can be completed.
      • Remove a Dependency: Remove an existing dependency.
      • Add a Note to Work Unit Task: Provide additional information related to the Work Unit. When the Work Unit becomes a Task, the defined note displays in the Description field on the Task.
      • Remove a Note from Work Unit: Remove an existing note from the Work Unit Task.
  13. Activate the Service Template by clicking the Next: Active link in the Status bar.

    The status changes to Active and the Service Catalog Template is available to Customers from the Select Available SCT link in the Actions List. When a Service Catalog Template is selected, a Service Request is created and the associated Work Units transform into Tasks, which are required to close the Service Request.

    To retire the Service Catalog Template, click the Next: Retired link in the Status bar.