Create a Work Unit

The following procedure walks you through the typical steps to create a Work Unit.

To create a Work Unit:

  1. On the CSM Desktop Client toolbar, click New > New Work Unit.

    A new Work Unit record is created with a unique ID and a status of New.

  2. Complete the Basic Information section (the Name, Work Unit Description, and Task Description are required):
    1. Name: Provide a name for the Work Unit (example: Acquire a Laptop).
    2. Work Unit Category: (Optional) Select a Work Unit Category (example: Order product).
    3. Work Unit Description: Provide a description for the Work Unit (example: Order a generic laptop).
    4. Task Description (Displays on Task): Auto-populates based on the Work Unit Description field. Provide a different description for the Task, if necessary (example: Order a laptop from the lead vendor).
  3. Assign ownership by clicking one of the ownership links:
    When the Work Unit transforms into a Task, the Work Unit owner becomes the Task owner.
    • Assign to: Click the link to select a User owner. The Team owner is populated by the User owner's default Team.
    • Select Team: Click the link to first select a Team owner.
  4. (Optional) Complete the Catalog Information section if you are using a Supplier Catalog Item:
    1. Catalog Item: Select a Catalog Item (example: Generic Laptop)..

      Catalog Item information (pulled from the Supplier Catalog Item record) displays in the Form Area as read-only text, and the Supplier Catalog Item and Agreement records display as abbreviated read-only forms in the Form Arrangement.

    2. (Optional) Manage the Catalog Item:
      • Change Supplier: Click the link in the Actions list to open the Agreement Selector, where you can select an alternate Supplier (example: Viahouse Supplies).

        The new Supplier information displays in the Form Area. A warning icon and (Alternate Supplier) text displays in the Supplier Information heading to indicate the change.

      • Clear the Catalog Item: Click the link in the Actions list to remove the data in the Catalog Information section, so that you can select a new Catalog Item.
  5. Click Next: Set as Active to activate the Work Unit.

    The status changes to Active and the Work Unit is available to use for Service Catalog Templates. When a Service Catalog Template is selected, a Service Request is created and the associated Work Units transform into Tasks, which are required to close the Service Request.

    To retire the Work Unit, click the Next: Retire Work Unit link in the Status bar.