CSM 10.1.3 Fixes List
CSM 10.1.3 Release Notes: this list describes fixed issues that were reported in previous releases.
- DR 50566 Performance: Updated internal cache layer to prevent session data from being removed when the system is under memory pressure.
Installation and Upgrade
- DR 50242 Upgrade: Fixed an issue that was preventing upgrade from old non-globalized versions of CSM to newer versions when Windows culture was not US.
Web Applications
- DR 50677 CSM Browser Client: Fixed an issue that manifested within browsers based on Chromium 87+ where browser windows left running in the background with dashboards open in the CSM Browser Client and CSM Portal, was causing a freezing issue when reloading the dashboard widgets.
- CSM-64554 Authentication: Fixed an issue where users could encounter problems when attempting to run the Browser Client and Portal simultaneously.
- CSM-69241 Automation Processes: Fixed an issue with items being marked as in process but not actually being processed.
- DR 50518 Automation Processes: Fixed an issue with Automation Processes where in certain cases, wait events would never complete processing.
- CSM-68623 Server Farms: Fixed an issue with large attachment uploads.
- CSM-70123 Server Farms: Fixed an issue that prevented anonymous Portal users from running a One-Step Action from a Business Object page.
- DR 45164 Email: Fixed an issue with HTML to RTF conversion when processing certain emails.
- DR 50173 Email: In CSM Browser Client, you can now attach a record of an email to the history of the relevant Business Object, as expected.
- DR 50192 Email and Event Monitor: When plain text emails that include line breaks are received by a monitored Microsoft Exchange account, email content is now displayed correctly, as expected. Previously, line breaks were erroneously removed.
- DR 50572 Licensing: Fixed an issue where a user's license would not be released if an Internet Information Services (IIS) reset occurred after the user logged into the Browser Client and Portal.