Approvals Engine Rules

CSM checks a number of rules to determine whether an Approval can be granted. You can configure Approvals for any Major Business Object and the Approval Engine will follow these rules.

The following table shows you the rules in the order that CSM checks them:

Number Rule Outcome
1 Number of Approvals meets number of required Approvers. Approval is granted.
2 Number of required Approvers hasn't been met yet, but there are still enough votes yet to be cast so the Approval may be still successful. Approval remains open.
3 There aren't enough remaining votes for the Approval to be successful and there is a majority for one of the other statuses (Denied, Abstained or TimedOut). Majority status wins.
4 Not possible to Approve with a majority but there are still remaining votes. Approval remains open.
5 Not possible to Approve with a majority and there are no remaining votes. Approval denied.