Form Design Considerations

Take advantage of important design considerations and tips before creating or editing a Form

Before creating a Form, consider the following:

  • Audience: Who is it for (User or Customer? Technician or Executive? Etc.)?
  • Purpose: How will it be used (For detailed call logging? For self-service activities? For read-only purposes?)?
  • Client access: From where will it be accessed (CSM Desktop Client? CSM Browser Client? CSM Customer Portal? Cherwell Mobile?)?
  • Layout: Which Controls will be on it (Field Controls? Standard Controls? Special Controls?) and what will it look like (colors, font, alignments, etc.)?
  • Security: Who can access it?
  • Devices: Which devices will be used to access it?

Review the following tips for designing an effective Form:

  • Make it useful: Consider the audience and what they need most. Technicians might need very detailed information, CSM Portal Customers might need more simplified, more colorful Forms with more User-friendly labels, casual contributors (example: Knowledge Article contributor) might need abbreviated details, etc.
  • Make it pretty: Do not underestimate the visual experience. Employ visual elements, such as images, colors, styles, alignment, and layering to convey information and embellish the aesthetic. Use consistent, browser-friendly fonts and colors (or Themes) to ensure stability and cohesion.
  • Make it conditional: Use Expression-driven colors, text, images, and visibility to dynamically change the way a Control looks and behaves based on a defined condition.