Create an External HTML Page

To create an External HTML Page:

  1. Open the HTML Page Manager.
  2. Optional: Select a scope and subfolder.
  3. Select Create New, and then select External HTML Page.
  4. Define general properties for the page:
    1. Name:

      Provide a display name to use within CSM (search this property in CSM Item Managers).

    2. Description:

      Provide a description to use within CSM (search this property in CSM Item Managers).

  5. Define additional options:
    1. Select Options.
    2. Availability: In the drop-down list, select a scope.

      Note: If you already selected a scope at the beginning, this is autopopulated with your selection.

    3. Association:

      If applicable, select a more filtered scope (example: A particular team). <Automatic> applies scope based on login. If not applicable, this option is disabled.

    4. Custom Image:

      Select the Image to open the Image Manager, and then select an existing image or import a new image to represent the item in the UI.

    5. Select OK.

  6. Define External Page Options:
    1. URL: Enter the URL for the external page.
      Tip: Select Browse to open a browser window to locate the site.
    2. Select a display option:
      • Open page in new browser window: Display the HTML page in a new browser window when it is accessed.
      • Display within portal page: Display the HTML within the Portal window. Then, specify the size (height) of the embedded window.
  7. Select Save.