HTML Pages Good to Know

  • Display an HTML Page as a Portal Startup Item, or add an Action to a Portal Site menu bar to display an HTML page.
  • Actions, Dashboards, Visualizations, Calendars, Widgets, and Searches can be viewed, accessed, or run in the Portal; however, they are managed (created, edited, deleted, etc.) and configured (security rights and defaults) only in the CSM Desktop Client and CSM Administrator.
  • If the CSM Browser Client or CSM Portal are accessed via HTTPS, an embedded HTML page will display if the embedded page is also delivered securely over HTTPS. This is a security restriction enforced by modern web browsers. If the Browser Client or Portal are accessed via HTTP, any embedded HTML page will display regardless of whether they are delivered over HTTP or HTTPS.
    Site owners can configure their sites to include HTTP headers that instruct browsers not to render the page if it is embedded within another site. This can prevent a browser from displaying an embedded HTML page. Please be aware of this possibility when embedding any HTML page that is delivered by a web server that is not under your control.

Always consider Security rights control access to CSM functionality and are configured in the Security Group Manager in CSM Administrator (CSM Administrator>Security>Edit Security Groups). For more information, see Configure HTML Pages Security Rights