Date/Time Modifier

A Date/Time Token displays or performs a date/time calculation (example: Calculate a 15-minute warning for an SLA). The format of the Date/Time value must be taken into consideration when applying Date/Time Modifiers to Tokens.

The following Modifiers can be applied to Date/Time Tokens.

First of Month

Returns the first day of the month for the specified Date/Time.


  • Original Token: 9/16/2016
  • Modifier: First of Month
  • Result: 9/1/2016
Last of Month

Returns the last day of the month for the specified Date/Time.


  • Original Token: 9/16/2016
  • Modifier: Last of Month
  • Result: 9/30/2016
First of Year

Returns the first day of the year for the specified Date/Time.


  • Original Token: 9/16/2016
  • Modifier: First of Year
  • Result: 1/1/2016
Last of Year

Returns the last day of the year for the specified Date/Time.


  • Original Token: 9/16/2016
  • Modifier: Last of Year
  • Result: 12/31/2016
First of Week

Returns the first day of the week for the specified Date/Time. In the US, the first day of the week is Sunday, but this can differ depending on location.


  • Original Token: 9/16/2016
  • Modifier: First of Week
  • Result: 9/13/2016
Last of Week

Returns the last day of the week for the specified Date/Time. In the US, the last day of the week is Saturday, but this can differ depending on location.


  • Original Token: 9/16/2016
  • Modifier: Last of Week
  • Result: 9/19/2016