Define General Options for Report Styles

Use the General page to define the Report Style name and the font, color, and line rule options for the Report Title as follows:

  1. Open the Report Style Window to edit a Report Style or create a New Report Style.
  2. Click the General page.

    Report Style Window General Page

  3. Enter a Style name (example: Blue and Red). The Style Name is used to identify the Report Style in the Report Styles Manager.
  4. Define the Font settings:

    • Font type (example: Microsoft Sans Serif)
    • Font size (example: 22)
    • Font style (bold, bold italic, italic, regular)

  5. Define the Alignment and Color settings:

    • Text alignment (vertical and horizontal)
    • Text color
    • Background color (the color that appears behind the text in the title only)

  6. Select the Draw lines check box if you want to add lines around the title:

    • Select where to place lines using the Top, Bottom, Left, and or Right check boxes.
    • Enter a Line width to set the thickness of the lines (all lines, Top, Bottom, Left, and/or Right, will be the same width).
    • Click the Line color drop-down to define the line color.

  7. Click OK to save and close the Report Style, or proceed to Page options.