Define Criteria (Data) for a Gauge Widget

Use the Criteria page (accessed within the Gauge Widget Properties window) to define which data/records to include in a Gauge Widget (example: Open Incidents). Properties include:

  • Search criteria: Data to include in the gauge (example: Open Incidents). Data is located using a saved Search Query (Saved Search) or a custom Search Query.
  • Date range: Timeframe for the Search Query (example: Any Time, Within Last 1 Year, User-selectable, etc.).
    The Gauge Widget Properties window is accessed from within the Widget Manager when you create or edit a Gauge Widget.

Good to know:

  • If you use a Metric value, do not define any criteria; the Metric has the criteria built in.

To define data for a Gauge Widget:

  1. Create a Widget
  2. In the Type drop-down, select Gauge.
  3. Click the Criteria page.
  4. Define the search criteria (what to include in the gauge—example: Open Incidents). Data is located/filtered using one the following options:
    • Saved Search Query: Click the Ellipses button Ellipses Button to open the Search Manager, and then select an existing Saved Search (saved Search Query) or create a Saved Search. Saved Searches can be used over and over in numerous places.
    • Custom Search Query: Click the Custom Query button General Knowledge Search Button to open the Custom Query Builder, and then create a custom Search Query to use only for this scenario.
  5. Define a timeframe for the Search Query (Date Range area):
    1. Select a range option, either:
      • Range: Select this radio button to define a date range for the Query, and then select an existing timeframe (example: Anytime or Previous Year), or click the New button to define a new timeframe.
      • User Selectable: Select this radio button to allow the User/Customer to select the date range from a drop-down. Then, click the Ellipses button Ellipses Button to open the Multiple Date Ranges window and select the date ranges to include in the drop-down.
    2. Field used for date range: Select the Field to use to give the range perspective (example: LastModDateTime gives Previous Year perspective).
  6. Select OK.